Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Midnight snacks Foodprocesser Slicer Pepper ...

Turn on oven to 165 degrees Chop the onion finely and drain it of moisture in a tea towel, get like as much moisture out as possible. Then pour the onions in the food processor with the rest of the ingredients. Blend there after to a very fine bunch, about

Mains Oil Olive oil Pepper ...

Marinated potatoes: boil the potatoes with the peel on, and tamper-proof. Cut into slices in a deep Bowl. Fintsnittede garlic and shallots, vinegar and olive oil is poured into a pan, heats up and poured over the potatoes which draws in 24 hours. Parsley f

Salads Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

The peeled beetroots bake in the middle of the oven at 190 degrees c. alm. oven for about 40 minutes, until tender. Remove from the oven and cut them into small squares, which measures approx. 1-2 cm on all sides. The apples are cut out in similar pieces. T

Mains A little sprinkle spice mix (URf.eks. grill spice or second all-around) A little oil Paste as needed ...

Got a little oil in a pan over low heat. Chop the onions finely and add to the pan. While the onions and fry will be clear, skinned the tomatoes (URf.eks. with a grater) and snack pepperen chopped. Com tomatoes and pepper into the Pan along with snack tomato p

Soups A lovage leaf or 0.5 TSP. dried Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

The vegetables cut into small pieces and cooked with spices, gathered in a may, until completely tender. Remove soup may and bay leaf, let it all cool slightly for the can are blended or blended. Warm the soup and season with salt and pepper. Came a tablesp

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

cut the meat into neat stykkerog turn them in flour mixed with salt and coarse-ground pepper and knustenebær. Brown meat in butter in a frying pan and add the big carrot cubes and thick potato writes. Pour broth and tomato juice and let the pot boil, covere

Mains Whipped cream Lime juice Parmesan ...

Salmon's father: Salmon meat blended in food processor with the salt and pepper, add the eggs and cream in a thin beam, to the forcemeat was smooth and glossy. Lift the lid a few times on the blender and stir. Lemon: lemon sole fillets activity by salmon fo

Mains Margeroni Oil Pepper ...

Saute beef with a little oil in a pan onion rings came in. Sauté on. Cook margeroni taste the meat with salt and pepper When the margeronien is finished, pour the water from the meat added. It's all served with ketchup Tips: very easy and chea