Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Sides Or 2 patinakker Or 2 parsley roots Pepper ...

Boil it all together until it's darkened - it causes the celery, it takes about 20 minutes, or even with Maizena. tips: This is another version of stewed cabbage and can be used as accessories for meatballs and the like. The celery and other root vegetable

Mains Peas (frost) Basil Bechamel ...

Turn on 200 degrees (hot air) Brown the meat and onions. Then add all the other ingredients close to bechamel. Then alternately put meat with a little bechamel on top and lasagne plates. Saw it in the preheated oven for about 25min Just say a man next

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken into wide strips about 3 cm. Put them on the forehead until they are white on all sides (not stewed.) Bring them to a frying dish. Slice the slice into small pieces and wrap it on the forehead with salt, pepper and peppers after taste. Pour the

Mains And rocket of your choice quantity Peeled tomatoes Onion ...

Start by setting the oven at 180 degrees. First make the dough. Beat the water and then stir the yeast. Then put the olive oil and salt into the end of the flour. (The flour should only stick slightly to the finger). Then the dough must rise for 10-15 minutes.

Mains Basil Olive oil Oregano ...

The lid is chopped and sliced ​​in olive oil on the pan with sausages or bacon until golden. Salt, pepper, basil and oregano are added to taste. Green beans and peas are boiled in water with a little salt added and then turned into the mixture on the pan af

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Chop onion / garlic and spoon in oil with spices for a few minutes. Add peeled tomatoes, orange juice, sugar, salt and pepper. Let the dish spin for about ½ hour. Cut the peppers into fine strips and 5 x 5 cm fish. Add the peppers and simmer for 5 minutes. Tas

Mains White cabbage Onion Red bell pepper ...

Put the meat in a saucepan and brown it in a bit of fat (can be omitted) Add onion and curry. Switch for a couple of minutes. Add red pepper, carrots in slices, finely chopped cabbage, salt and pepper and broth. Let it simmer for 20 minutes. Taste if Wi