Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Chilli, crushed Turmeric, ground Oil ...

Start the whole process as if you were making a meat sauce. Heat the oil in a large saucepan while slicing onion and preserving garlic. When the oil is hot, both types of onions must be thrown in. Step for approx. 4-5 min. At almost full heat. Then the m

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Rids grew on the club. Bring garlic and fresh rosemary into a mortar with a little oil. Rub the club. You can also use akasiehonnng. Season with salt and pepper. Stir at 190 degrees C approx. 2 hours 68 gr. Core tension. The meat must be pulled for 20 minu

Mains Margarine for frying Pepper White cabbage ...

Cut the cabbage into small pieces and cook it tenderly. Cut onions in small pieces. Bring the margarine into a saucepan and add meat, cabbage, onions and salt, pepper and sugar in and fry until the meat is brown. Bring water and boil for a few minutes or until

Mains Wheat flour Kavli suit Milk ...

Prepare this dish as you normally prepare Danish steak with onions. The sovsen is to be made exclusively of butter, flour and milk. As well as suit. Server with boiled potatoes and cooked carrots.

Soups Eisberg salad Oil for frying Bouillon cube ...

Season onions, garlic and curry in the oil. Add boillon and tomatoes. Let it boil for 15 minutes. Blend the soup. Add cream (do not boil more!), Shrimp and juice of peaches. Cut the peaches into slices and put them down. Possibly. Put some Eisberg salad

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Salt Cayenne pepper ...

Mix the ingredients of marinade. Cut the chicken meat into small pieces and put them in a plastic bag together with marinade. Let the meat marinate for 30-60 minutes and then put it on the griddle. Cut the vegetables into suitable pieces and put them on the gr

Appetizers Onion Pepper fruit Cheese ...

Beat the frozen spinach and whip together with the eggs. Chop the onions and peppers, mix with the eggs. Add the cheese and benefit to the muffin information. Behind 175 degrees for approx. 20 minutes. Server with eg. Salmon or green salad.

Appetizers Finely chopped dill Garlic Onion ...

Chop the loaf and season it in the oil. Add the curry and let it swell for a moment. Crush the garlic clove directly into the pan, add mussels and prawns and let it all get warmed. Sprinkle with dill and serve the dish with cooked pasta.