Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Salt Accessories Coconut milk, great canned ...

The onions are peeled and chopped roughly. The butter is melted in a saucepan and the onions are swirled therein. Shortly afterwards, the curry is added, which you do not need to save and the onions are roasting on. 1-2 dl of water are added and the mixture bo

Mains Green pesto Oil Parma ham ...

Butter the cheese into the pesto Shape the steak around the cheese, sprinkle it on the forehead with the onions and garlic Pour the tomatoes into the mold. Put the steaks on top of the masks with onion and ham in oven for 15 minutes at 200g Put in the oven

Salads Feta cheese Olive oil Small glass olive ...

Boil the potatoes for 15 minutes. Put them in a plastic bag of olive oil salt, pepper, thyme, rosemary, pour them into a refractory dish 10 min in oven 200g The salad is cut into the tern and mixed with marinade

Soups Water Onion Boulionterning ...

1) Put the boulion cube in a saucepan and dissolve it 2) Chop the sauce well and put it in the pan 3) Peel and fry the potatoes / potato in the tern and put it in the pan 4) Put the peas in 5) Put the beans in 6) Boil for 20 minutes and the soup is finish

Sauces Tarragon Salt Béarnaise essence ...

- The vegetables are cut into the tern and boiled for approx. 20 min in bouillion the water. The residual water is poured off and the vegetables must be blended into mash. And then yogurt, bearnaise essence and estragon in the end. And then maybe a little salt

Mains Magerine Pepper Pomefrit gryderi Basil oregano ...

Sweat lies (chop shards etc [all lies. Cook the pasta in a pan for a set of onions. Lies should be half brown not too. (The 2 DL water is too if it boils a bit too much) Then add chopped tomatoes and broth Add chopped calf and pork Then add the other ingr

Mains EVS. a small piece of blue mold cheese White wine Eggs ...

Here is an easy recipe that is just to go to. Cook onion, barcon and mushrooms on a pan while the pasta boils. When the pasta is boiled, pour all of the water and put the cream and bacon mixture into the pasta and heat it up after pouring egg, white wine

Soups Fresh chopped parsley Olive oil Pepper ...

Peel all the vegetables and shake earthquakes, potatoes and onions in coarse tern. Cut carrots and celery into smaller pieces as they are longer to grow. Season all vegetables in olive oil in a pan until the bulbs are ready, add chicken stock, salt and p