Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Dried oregano ...

Place the meat in a marinade of crushed garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and chopped sage for 1-12 hours in the refrigerator. Dip the yogurt 1 / 2-1 hours into a coffee filter. Peel and tear the cucumber roughly. Take care of. Stir yogurt, garlic and cucumber

Sides Lemon pepper Salt Garlic ...

Cut the squash for approx. 1 cm thick slices and slipped into thin slices. Boil squash and onion for 2 minutes in lets salted water and pour the water off. Distribute squash, onion, tomatoes in small tern, chopped garlic and chopped parsley on 4 pieces of s

Mains Basil Marinade Pepper ...

Stir soy with honey, chili sauce, salt and pepper. Place the meat in the marinade and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes - for longer, but no more than a day. Turn the meat occasionally. Mix finely chopped garlic, onions and chili w

Mains Green bell pepper Cherry tomatoes Cocktail sausages ...

Sprinkle the tenderloin and cut into 8 slices wrapped with bacon. Clean the mushrooms. Clean the onions and divide them in quarters. Clean the pepper and cut it into 8 pieces. Let the coctail sausages drip and roll a half slice of bacon about each. Ea

Mains EVS. 1 clove of garlic Minced parsley Pepper ...

The butcher saws the shank in pieces of 4 cm. Cut some chop into the mucous membrane, avoiding the meat disc crumbling during the frying. The meat pieces are turned into the flour with the spices added. Brunes in margarine or oil. Takes up. The herbs are

Mains White wine. dry Curry Whipped cream ...

Cod stew of 1 1/2 cm or fillets are turned into spicy flour. In a refractory, greased dish put half the onions, cut into rings and half of the celery. The fish pieces are laid on and covered with the rest of onion and celery. White wine and cream are stirre

Soups Salt Apples Onion ...

The margarine is melted and swirled with the curry for 2-4 minutes. The onions and apples are grated fine and shaken with another 3-5 minutes. The flour is sprinkled and bake with the fat. Broth is spilled. It can be said if the onion and apple do not boil

Mains EVS. Salt Oil for cooking Boiled hen ...

The chicken is cooked as usual and cut into suitable pieces. The rice is boiled loose in the soup 12 min. Over low heat, 12 min. Without heat, but always covered by tight closing lid. Fat and curry are switched together for 2 min. Chopped onion and grate