Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Honey Olive oil Pepper ...

Chop 1 onion and 4 cloves of garlic. Sprinkle and chop olives roughly. Mix all the ingredients of meatballs and shape the balls. Wash the potatoes and cut them in both. Half cut and cut into slices. Forge onion and potatoes in a dish and add olive oil, salt

Mains Bread Sour cream Guacamole ...

Grate onions and beans to the meatballs and chop jalapenos well. Mix all the ingredients of the meatballs thoroughly and form the meatballs. Chop the onions to the beans roughly and sauté them in olive oil, together with the cumin sauce. Chop the garlic and

Mains Curry Corn Pepper ...

Sweat bacon until they have given enough fat to sweat onions. Sweat the onions and then brown the meat in the pan. Add chopped tomatoes and tomato pure, boil it. Add piquant cheese, water, bullion, cream, vegetables and rice. Season with spices. Th

Mains Juniper Pepper Salt ...

Onions and carrots are stewed in a pot of olive oil and taken up. Add if necessary. A little thyme. Liver fried in the same pot now with butter. Seasonings are added to taste. Add water as a cover. Boil 15-20 min. Add if necessary. A whipped cream. The court

Mains Spring onions Kethhup Onion ...

Cut the tendons and barley from the meat and cut it into 2 x 2 cm tern. Pay attention to the skin on the underside as well as the inside. Marinate the meat in whiskey, salt, pepper, cumin, broth and ketchup 3) Chop onions, spring onions and peppers Put

Mains A good knob of butter to beneath the skin Pepper Salt ...

Rinse the chicken off and remove. Fat and residues of ingots. Then wipe the chicken off. Rinse the parsley and remove the stems. Fill the chicken with parsley salt and pepper. Under the skin on the chest of the chicken, gently make a pocket in which you tak

Pickling Chili Pepper Salt ...

Slice the cucumber into thin slices and salt them with light hand. Bring the slices into a light pressure sieve for 30 minutes. Then rinse the salt of the cucumber discs and press them out of water. Boil vinegar with sugar, pepper and laurel leaves for appro

Sandwiches Onion Garlic Slices cucumber ...

Melt sugar at low heat. When the sugar is completely melted, the vinegar is poured in. You will see that the sugar mass is stiffening, so you should let it melt again. When melted, the cucumbers are put in and they are turned a few times. Take them up and put