Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Appetizers Pepper Salt Carrot ...

The pigeons are emptied and deboned. Put the delivery and hearts aside. Crush the hulls and put them in a pan. Brown them in a spoon. Goose fat, then add the peeled carrot and the pinned onion, both chopped, and the spice bouquet. Cover with water and let it b

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Tournedos brune in butter, season with salt and pepper. Roll with 1 piece of triangular filodej so it rises like a tower. Eggplant, carrot, pepper, garlic and onions are cut into cubes. Sauté with thyme as well as sun-dried tomatoes in oil. The sliced ​​vegeta

Mains Onion Leek Cumin seeds ...

Beat and dry the meat. Stir well and put it in a bowl. The arrow and chin went well. Peel the ginger and chop it nicely. Mix soy sauce, sherry, onion and ginger. Pour marinade over the meat and let it take 15 min. Rinse the porridge thoroughly and cut it

Mains A half 40 KR. chiantivin Fedtnet (available in delis Cream 18% ...

The beef tenderloin is cut into six slices of about one cm. thickness. Two of the pieces are turned lightly on a burning hot forehead. Spinach is blanched on a hot forehead with plenty of butter, pepper and salt. Fois groise is divided into four thin slices, w

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little water and butter Pepper ...

Appelsinløg: Cut the onions in slices and saute them for a moment in a little water and butter. Sprinkle the onion slices and boil them in the orange juice until they are completely tender and the dishes are well-cooked - approx. 1/2 hour. Season with salt an

Mains Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Arrow the bulbs. Cut the onions in slices and tomatoes in both. Peel the cucumber. Cut it through long and then in thin slices. Mix the onions and butter in the covered bowl. Prepare for 650 watts for 5 minutes. Melt the butter on the pan of the chops and rais

Mains Baked beans Cayenne pepper Chili powder ...

Bring the meat into a large flat-bottomed bowl and crumble it with a fork. Cover with lid and microwave at 900 watts for 4 min. Stir around the meat with a fork and crumble it. Add chopped onions, pepper in tern, garlic, peeled tomatoes, tomato sauce, chilli p

Sides A little pepper A little parsley for garnish Semi-dry white wine ...

Rinse the pores well and share each bite twice. Cut the tomatoes in both. Chop the hook. Bowl oil, onions, tomatoes, white wine, garlic, thyme and parsley and laurel leaves in a flat-bottomed shell or flat. Tire with lid. Microwave at 900 watts for 5 min. Add