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Recipes with Marzipan

Desserts (patisserie) Salt Together the beaten egg Tesukker ...

stir in sugar and butter fluffy, stir in the egg. Add the other stuff and knead the dough together. roll it out on floured in 2 plate-sized circles. Cut each circle into 8 triangles. put a small dollop of marzipan and nougat on each. scroll giflerne together o

Desserts (cold) Sherry Brandy or whiskey Whipped cream ...

Used 2 spring shape ... All the macaroons added close in the bottoms. In the spaces that makronerne form, fill that up with crushed macaroons, so makronerne forming a uniform layer in the molds. Makronerne stænkes with sherry, as much as they can pull. Pisk

Cakes in form Almond flakes Calvados Sugar ...

Got raisins and calvados in a jam jars and let stand overnight and drag. Mix the flour, powdered sugar and salt together well. Chop the butter in melblandingen and crumble it between your fingers. Gather dough with ægblomme and yogurt. Style dough in the re

Breakfast & brunch Poppy seeds Salt Eggs ...

Warm the milk and udrør the yeast in it. Add the eggs, sugar and salt. Add the flour and knead the dough smooth and supple. Let it raise ½ hour. Knead the dough lightly through and roll it out to a square 30 x 40 cm. cut the cold butter into slices with a c

Desserts (cold) Marzipan Dark chocolate Egg yolks ...

Eggs whipped airy with sugar. Nuts, chocolate and dajm chopped coarsely. Marzipan grated coarsely. -easiest if marcipanen freeze 1 hour first. The cream whipped stiff and turned into egg mixture. Chopped chocolate, nuts and dajm and marzipan reversed very g

Cakes Vaniliesukker Marzipan Corn starch ...

Rarbarberne cut into small pieces. Sugar, oatmeal and cornstarch are mixed and turned over in rarbarberne. The mixture is distributed in the bottom of a baking dish. Bake at 200 degrees for about 25 minutes. Marcipanen rives coarsely and mix with macro breadcr

Cakes Almonds Sugar Salt ...

The milk and the yeast dissolved therein. lunes The other ingredients are mixed in and it all grow old together into a uniform dough, which raises to double size approx. 15 min – uncovered. The dough is divided into two equal pieces, which is formed into a

Desserts (cold) Eggs Good vanilla ice cream or pistacieis Cinnamon ...

Cut 12 thin slices of a roll of Marzipan and put dempå a baking tray with baking paper and press them slightly flat. Brush with egg and sprinkle a little cinnamon and sugar on. Give chip-late 7-8 minutes at 200 degrees. Cool them on a rack and then store them