Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Dry white wine

Appetizers "tiger shrimp (5-6 shrimp per man to Starter otherwise more) White pepper (ca. 1/8 tsp.) Madspyd (wooden or metal) ...

Beurre Blanc: Put vinegar, wine, mustard onion, salt and pepper to boil in a saucepan at high heat and let it boil until the liquid is reduced to approx. 1½ tbsp. Put the onions off and squeeze the wings from them. Add now approx. 3 tablespoons. Of the col

Mains Good bread A little cornstarch to jævning Pepper ...

Cut bacon into small cubes and brown them slightly crispy in a dry saucepan. Take them up, add a little oil to the pot and brown rabbit thighs are fine golden on all sides. Take them up and brown the herbs well in the fat from the meat. Add wine and boil in to

Sauces Corn flour or sauces are helping Marinated Pearl onions, red onions, jalapenos marinede approximately 100 gr Salt ...

Chop onion and jalapenos fine (possibly blended) And sweat the butter for a few minutes. Add the pepper and chilli (powder) - stir for a minute and then add the white wine. Let it boil for half and then add Bouillon and hotsauce (Tabascosauce) and taste with

Mains Pepper Salt Kefalotiriost or grated parmesan ...

Macaroni is boiled for 15 minutes in spoon-boiling and salted water and dripping off. Onions are peeled and chopped. 2 tablespoons. Butter is melted on a forehead and the loaf is switched transparently. The meat is added and stirred with stirring until it b

Appetizers Pepper Parsley Lettuce leaves ...

Smash the lobster with a sharp, heavy knife by cutting a cut from the underside of the head down between the legs. Remove the stomach paws, which sideways forward, just behind the eyes. Also remove the intestine that passes through the tail. Carefully crush th

Appetizers FAT to the dish Pepper Salt ...

Cut the sliced ​​mushrooms into slices and season them in fat. Sprinkle the flour and sprinkle with wine and cream. Cook the stew through. Season. Take the saucepan off the heat and add the egg yolk. Bring a good spoonful of mushroom sprays on each slice of

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Mix fried cheese, 60 g of salmon, wine and lemon juice in a food processor for a smooth and smooth mass. Put it in a small saucepan and warm up carefully. The sauce must NOT boil. Add chopped dill, the rest of the salmon (cut into strips. Taste with salt and p

Mains Garlic powder (optional) Paprika Pepper ...

Start the day before. Brown chicken breasts good on skinside approx. 10 min. Season with salty pepper paprika and garlic As they brush, the cumin and cloves sprinkle into a refractory dish. Turn the breasts and brown them a few min. Place the breasts in th