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Recipes with Cherry tomatoes

Salads Pepper Salt Curry ...

Boil potatoes, like asparagus potatoes, fixed arrow them and let them cool completely. Clean the spring onions and cut them just fine. Cut the cold potatoes into slices or small cubes. Stir the mayonnaise with sour cream or ymer and season with curry pow

Salads Balsamic vinegar Cherry tomatoes Dijon mustard ...

Bulguren set in soft with plenty of water for approximately 3-4 hours, after which it gets a delicious texture. The beans are cooked approximately 3-4 minutes. Cherry tomatoes cut in half. Feta cheese cut into squares. All ingredients (including olives) are

Sides White wine vinegar Broccoli Cheasy 13% diced salad-feta cheese ...

Wash the vegetables. Remove pepper frøstol and share the fruit of 1 ½ cm2 pieces. Share each baby corn into 3 pieces. Peel Pearl onions. Broccoliens flower picking in small florets. Share the stem in 1 cm3 pieces. Part leaves selleriens stem in ½ cm thick slic

Salads Peanuts Small ripe papaya Sugar ...

Papayaen peeled off and udkernes. As well you can, cut papayaen in flakes lengthwise, so you get so thin and large flakes as possible. Ground nuts roasted on a dry frying pan for a few minutes. The beans, the tomatoes cut in half also in half. Chili without

Appetizers Mixed salad Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Dill, fresh ...

Cream cheese, hard boiled eggs, chives and sour cream mix. The 100 g. salmon cut into small pieces, invert in and season with pepper salt since smoked salmon is not the right salt itself. On a piece of vitawrap out the sliced salmon pieces taglagt, ca. 6 sl

Mains Green bell pepper Bacon, diced Mushrooms ...

Form the steaks and add salt and pepper, brown them on the forehead approx. 1 min. on each side. Then they are packed individually in tinfoil with mushroom-green pepper-tomato and bacon on top of each steak-aluminium foil to be closed to as a stem and FRY a

Mains Pepper Salt Red wine vinegar ...

Doves: Doves are seasoned with salt and pepper and then pulls in a small half an hour. Brown them in a pan with a little butter or oil. When they are golden on all sides, be they in a heat-proof dish and place in oven at 180 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Take the

Mains Bacon, sliced Cherry tomatoes Salmon ...

Salmon and chicken cut into small cubes that can be put on træspyd. Squash cut into large cubes. The spikes can disguise as evt.: Chicken, cherry tomatoes, squash, bacon alternately tiger shrimp, squash, tomatoes, salmon. You can mix as you like. Low differ