Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cherry tomatoes

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Put the salmon fillets in a baking dish and pour some fresh squeezed lemon juice. The garlic chop finely and sprinkled over fish along with a little salt and pepper at will. Finally, pour approximately 1 cm of water in the dish, and put it in the oven on the M

Appetizers Cherry tomatoes Pepper Lettuce leaves ...

Mash the tuna with a fork and stir in fromage blanc, lemon juice, salt and pepper in tomato and garnish with a little green.. Eat bread for.

Mains (for each 100 g of pasta should be calculated 1 liter of water with 1 teaspoon coarse salt) Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt ...

Cut the cheese into 12 small squares. Knead the meat with salt and paprika or cayenne pepper. Share the meat into 12 servings. Roll a ball with a piece of cheese in each. Put them in a baking dish. Brush meatballs with olive oil. Share the garlic out of the

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Olive oil Olive oil and butter ...

Chop onion, garlic and mushrooms. Came oil on a deep pan and warm it up first saute the onions, then come. mushrooms and garlic on and finally the minced beef. When the beef is browned a little, add the red wine, thyme and oregano, whipping cream, salt and pep

Mains Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Chicken meat cut into strips and FRY in oil on the forehead. Add salt, pepper and the chopped onion. Let it simmer a little bit and add cucumber, tomato and pineapple. Stir gently, so the vegetables do not go in pieces. The sauce is made, pour over meat mix

Mains Pancakes Pepper Pepper. White ...

Stir ingredients together in a bowl of pancake batter. First stirred egg and flour together, add the milk gradually so that the dough will be klumpfri and let it stand in the refrigerator at least half an hour. Low kødsovsen before you fry the pancakes. Bro

Mains Salt Oil Salad onions ...

Cook the pasta. Stir the ricotta with finely chopped Sage, finely chopped, grated parmesan and garlic oil. Cut onions into thin slices or chop it fine. Turn them into ricotta mixture along with pasta, peas and cherry tomatoes cut in half. Season with salt and

Mains Bread Fillet royal, ca. 750 g Other vegetables ...

Red wine-red beet sauce Come on brown sugar and honey in a saucepan at good heat. Let it karamellisere, IE. melt and become light brown. Add the balsamic vinegar. Let it boil at good heat and without lids, so it boils into a syrupy consistency. Peel them. Pee