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Recipes with Bacon, sliced

Mains Pepper Salt Green peas. frozen ...

Ærtemos: Add the peeled garlic cloves into a pot of boiling water and boil them for a few minutes. The peas came in and cook it for three minutes. Com salt in the water. When the peas are cooked finished, pour peas and garlic through a strainer and drip easil

Mains Bacon, sliced Bacon, diced Butter ...

The redecorated ducks wiped and rubbed the inside with salt and pepper. Baconentern added inside. Bacon slices svøbes about the ducks, in which the ombindes with cotton yarn. The ducks are brown in the butter. The boiling madly broth is poured in. The ducks

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Cut the meat into serving-sized pieces, brown them quickly in the Pan in butter. Sprinkle salt and pepper on and put them in a baking dish. Advantage chicken tonight sweet & sour mixed with bean sprouts over meat. Set right in the oven at 200 degrees for a

Mains Suit Pepper Red currant jelly ...

Cut the meat into ½-1 cm. thick slices about ¾ through the fillet. Put ¼-½ slices smoked bacon in between each slice. Season. Has the piece with crushed juniper berries, salt and pepper. Put it in a baking dish or a small baking pan. Brown the roast at 225 deg

Cold cuts Pepper Eggs Salt ...

Chop liver, blubber and onions once or twice depending on where serious leverpostejen should be. Stir in flour, eggs and milk in the forcemeat. Season with salt and pepper. Pour the leverpostej forcemeat into a ovenproof Bowl or aluform. Put bacon slices on

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Olive oil is poured on the forehead, and baconet cut out in fine small cubes and Brown in olive oil, and while gold brought the water to boil the spaghetti. The eggs are whisked together in a bowl. When the spaghetti is cooked al dente, and the water is pou

Mains Salt Butter Water ...

Dough: grease and water boiled up as greasy melts and cools again. The salt is mixed in the flour in a bowl and fat mass kneaded gradually in to a fixed smooth dough. The dough is covered with plastic wrap and rest in the fridge for an hour. Meanwhile prepa

Sides Pepper Salt Butter ...

The meat is stirred with herbs, eggs, flour, milk, salt and pepper. Form forcemeat for 12 karbonader, which ombindes with a slice of bacon. Karbonaderne Brown in butter in a skillet and then put them in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven in 10-12 my karbonad