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Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Chop the onion and chili and saute it with the paprikaen. Put the meat in and Brown it. Pour the beans, tomatoes and cocoa in the taste with salt and pepper. Cook it up and let it simmer for half an hour.

Mains Lemon juice Chopped chili Wheat flour ...

The afparerede meat cut into fairly large slices of about 2 cm thickness, across kødtrådene. Then ban kes each piece of meat with a these events or any other heavy, yes maybe a flat pan bottom. Season now each piece of meat with salt and pepper. Turn the me

Mains (400 g) whole peeled tomatoes Turmeric Onion ...

Cut the trimmed meat into bite-sized cubes. Shock kardemommen easy. Arrow the onion and chop it coarsely. Heat the oil in a teflon Pan by even heat. Brown the meat on all sides 4-5 min. Add the cardamom, onion, Curry and turmeric and cook an additional 5 min,

Mains Chili Curry Paprika ...

The onions are cooked in clear broth. Then add the meat and the spices and eventually accepted the carrots and white cabbage in. Add tomato paste or ketchup, and a little extra water. The right cooker, covered, for about 45 min or to the cabbage is tender. NB

Mains Margarine for frying Pineapple into pieces Curry ...

start with the gravy. slice the onion and bacon in cubes and sauté them few minutes in browned margarine in a saucepan. Sprinkle curry powder on let it simmer a little before the flour is mixed in together with grated Apple and tomato puree. stir bouillon and

Mains 4 big paragraph silver paper Garlic Pepper ...

The oven heats up on 200 gr Butter melted in a pan and Brown on both sides and koteletterne placed on each his foil. The sliced onions Brown and distributed over koteletterne and the sliced tomatoes Brown lightly on the forehead and distributed also the same a

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

boil the chicken in strips behind the arrow. saute the leeks in a little butter, add the chicken and pour the boulionen over, add salt pepper Curry and garlic. simmer for about 1/2 hour. now pour fløede. Finally add the roasted bacon. put the mixture in a baki

Mains Lemons Fresh chopped dill Green asparagus or broccoli ...

Plaice were found inside with the dark side up that cut down along both sides of the anchovies and outwards so that the fillets are still stapled. The fillets reversed outwards and the fish turned into flour, seasoned with salt and pepper. FRY on both sides