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Mains recipes

Mains Chopped bacon Nutmeg Pepper ...

Cook the pasta al dente in plenty of water. In the meantime whips you eggs with salt, pepper and nutmeg and parmesan. Saute the bacon strips on the forehead. When the pasta is ready, invert it on the frying pan with bacon and the whipped egg mass mix in ove

Mains Paprika Bacon Big ds. tomato puree ...

Cut the tenderloin into small patties. First increased bacon and put it on the fat-sucking paper. Rose then tenderloin steaks, just so they just take color. Put steaks in a heat-proof dish and place the coctailpølserne at. On the forehead putter to tomato pure

Mains Origano Paprika Pepper ...

1. turn on the oven (250 degrees.) 2. chop the onions and sauté them. 3. put the meat in the Pan and let it Brown. 4. put boulion down with a little water. 5. best of the chopped tometer in mixture. 6. Click hvidløgen/if you have garlic stutters so

Mains Extra olive oil One small handful chopped basil leaves (fresh!) Cooking cream ...

Take a large pot, put a few tablespoons of extra olive oil in and warm it up. Once the oil begins to be "thin" and is easy to distribute in the Pan, put you onions, chorizo, garlic and mushrooms, and svitser to it starts to get a LITTLE Brown (beware the garli

Mains Water Fresh pasta Oil ...

Sauté the beef thoroughly and set aside. Clean the gørnsagerne. Chop the cabbage, bell pepper and Leek. The small Champion mixed together with the rest of the vegetables. Pour 1 tablespoon oil into a sutepande and pour all the vegetables in and fry it for abou

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Duck breasts be in abundant salted water and brought to the boil. Creamed off thoroughly and småkoger approx. 1 hour. Duck breasts to cool in the bed sheet and put in the fridge for the next day. Next day remove fat from the top, (the fat is stored) and

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Came the meat in a pan with the mushrooms and onions and oil, sauté it for the meat is finely ground and browned. Then add tomato puree, pressed garlic, thyme, salt and pepper and possibly a little water. Let it stand and simmer 10 min.

Mains Lemon juice Minced parsley White wine vinegar ...

Salmon portions FRY on each side for 2 min in oven at 180 degrees is made Finished in 4-6 my. Potatoes are boiled until tender in water with a little salt lightly about 12-15 min. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into coarse pieces. Met in a sauté pan