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Mains recipes

Mains Garlic powder Pepper Salt ...

Mix the dough with onions and add all the other ingredients. The fathers are touched well. Boil for 30 - 60 min. Form the dad to meatballs and stir them on a pan for 5 - 10 minutes by medium heat. tips: Served for sauce and potatoes or a fresh pasta sa

Mains Red chili pepper Olive oil Paprika ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut into thin boats. The onions are peeled and chopped together with the two cloves of garlic and half the chili. Put all pieces in a refractory dish and stir together with olive oil, salt, pepper and peppers. Each chicken fillet

Mains Barbecue spice Olive oil Pepper ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into ½ cm thick slices. Put in a greased ovenproof dish and season with rosemary, oregano, squeezed garlic, salt and pepper between the layers. Sprinkle chicken thighs with barbecue spice and drizzle with a little olive oil. L

Mains Watercress Pepper Salt ...

Peel potato, carrots and parsley and cut them into cubes. Season the vegetables in a little butter, pour water, season with salt and pepper and let the vegetables spin for 10-15 minutes. Let the well-tanned pussy spin the last 5 minutes. Roll the fish fi

Mains Potatoes Pepper Salt ...

Freeze the tenderloin for the seniors and barriers and cut them into steaks. Rinse and pil the onions, scrape carrots and share them a couple of times. Melt the fat golden and brown batters in it. Take the meat and season onions and carrots. Put the meat back,

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Cut the fish fillets into pieces and place them in a greased oven dish. Cut the bacon into small cubes. Arrow and heel loosened. Melt the butter in a pan and let the bacon and onions spin in it, the onions must not brown. Sprinkle with stirring and sprinkle wi

Mains White pepper Lemon juice Small onions ...

Let the fisherman fill the salmon. Be sure to pull the nerve legs out, it's the small vertical veins that can not be cut free, but with a small forceps or tweezers it is quite easy to pull these legs out of the fish meat. Once done, you have some of the most r

Mains Pepper Salt Grated cheese, mozzarella 45 + ...

Distribute the meat to 2 pieces. Baking paper and roll it out with cauliflower roll approx. 25x25 cm. Cry with salt and pepper and butter tomato sauce on the meat and then a layer of cheese. Roll it now with the baking paper to form with. Put them with ba