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Mains recipes

Mains Baked potatoes Creme fraise Dill ...

The tenderloin is seasoned with salt and citropeper and then comes on a good hot grill (remember the grill can be used year round) and must have about 30 min, depending on size and whether it should be red inside or not. Approximately 2 baked potatoes per p

Mains Pepper Salt Ginger, crushed ...

Stir the sauce well with the salt, after which all ingredients are finely chopped and add to the dough, add remaining ingredients and put to rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Step on the forehead at low to medium heat. May be lighted by high

Mains Chives Oregano Leek ...

Bacon roasted. Eggs, cream and spices are whipped together. The chicken fillet is cut into cubes of approx. 1 cm. The porridge is cut into slices of approx. ½ cm. The grease from the bacon is poured into the battered egg yolk, chicken and porridge added. Sti

Mains Milk Pepper Onion ...

The milk comes to the bottom of a refractory dish. Potatoes, squeezed garlic, finely chopped onions, salt and pepper are layered in the dish. Pour the cream over. The dish should be in the oven for 70 minutes at hot air. tips: The easiest is to buy froz

Mains Chili Curry Olive oil ...

All vegetables should be chopped or rubbed very fine to prevent the dips falling apart during frying. Tear the carrots as small as possible. That way, the "father" makes it easier to hang together because of the weather. Chop onions very well or tear the

Mains Garlic pepper Pepper Salt ...

Bring tomato, corn and beans to a pan and bring to a boil. Remember to get all the water from the cans and add water if it starts to burn. Cut the rice bag and pour rice into the pan. Add well with spices and flavors. Let the dish boil under cover for

Mains Champingon Filled pasta (ham or cheese) Carrots ...

Rinse sprouts and mushrooms. Cut the "stick" of the mushrooms and then in slices (the sticks are thrown out). Arrow the rosacea "scratches" and sharpen them as desired. The carrots are peeled and cut as desired. Rosenkål and carrots are cooked together until t

Mains (description of the procedure) Basillikum Mixed spices ...

The eggs are spilled into a bowl. 1 DL. Oil is added. 5 large tablespoons flour, with top. 3 tablespoons grahams / durum / - It all pours up, add more flour if the dough is too thin. The dough must not be glued, but elastic. The dough is wrapped in house