Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cakes in form Baking soda Lemon juice and grated to be thereof Water ...

poppy seeds margarine sugar water and lemon juice boil slowly for everything is smelted. Beat the egg whites very stiff with a little bit of sugar. Mix flour and baking soda and stir væden in conjunction with the egg yolks fold the egg whites into the batter a

Mains Pepper Salt Cardamom ...

The meat cut from the bone (saved), and cut into bite-sized cubes. Reversed in flour and Brown in oil along with the leg. Onion and Ginger cut into strips and place in pan. Bouillon, tomato concentrate and spices added. Some gruel is right under the lid for

Cookies Eggs (beaten) Coffee cream Margarine ...

The dough rolled out and cut into equal squares. Heat the oil up to a franskbrødsternning will be golden brown in 1 minute, 180 degrees. Klejnerne cooked in fat or coconut oil until they are golden brown. Put them on fat-absorbent paper. Let them be comple

Mains Pepper Salt Oil to lubricate the dish with ...

The pasta is cooked according to instructions on package. Leeks boiled for a few minutes. Fromage frais is touched with the flour. The grated cheese, leek, ham cubes stir in fraisen with salt and pepper. Then stir the mixture together with the pasta, and hælde

Cakes in form Vanilla sugar Wheat flour Butter ...

butter and chocolate is melted in a water bath (or microwave) eggs, sugar and flour, mix well and pour in the chocolate mass. Pour in greased meldrysset form and bake at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for ½ hour (no longer, the cake should be moist and soft on th

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Eggs ...

Fermented and break into pieces in the warm water and stir to finger fermented is dissolved. Add the eggs, sugar, salt and stir it well. Add flour little by little. When it is not to touch together in the Bowl farther then poured the dough out on a floured.

Cakes in form Semi-skimmed milk Vaniliesukker Baking soda ...

Apples peeled and cut into thin slices is posted at the bottom of the roasting pan/heat-proof dish, beat eggs and sugar very-all the dry ingredients are added and finally the milk batter poured over the apples and bake approximately 1 hour at 185-200 degrees

Cakes in form Baking soda Bicarbonate of soda Vaniliepulver ...

Mix magarine and sugar together in a bowl. Add the eggs, soda, baking powder, vaniliesukker, half of the flour and butter-milk. Who is stirred well around. Then add the rest of the flour while stirred around. (It might be an idea to customize the amount of flo