Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cookies Yellow food coloring Salt Eggs ...

Processed: Stir sugar and fat together until it becomes light and fluffy. The eggs came in one at a time and stir well. Add almond extract and so much yellow food coloring to the dough becomes Golden. Sift flour, baking powder and fine salt in the dough and as

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Butter ...

The liver is cleaned and dried carefully of in paper towel. The sprinkled with salt, pepper and basil. Brown it well on all sides now and then add the onions, Brown with in the final minutes. Pour half of the wine and let it WHIR softly in 3 quarter.. Add the

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Salt Kale ...

Curly kale leaves washed well, and the grossest of the ribs are removed. Blanched for a few minutes, twisted free of water and chop. Dissolve the yeast in the milk, add the chopped butter Kale, oil, salt, and wheat flour. Dough forhæver in about 20 mins.

Soups Salt Sparesuppe or 1 l. water Sugar ...

clean the herbs cut into strips (Leek in rings) and dry them in a clean towel melt the margarine in a saucepan and let the vegetables (porreingene exempted) lash herein without Brown pour boiling water over soup volume visken El. komden and porreringene on the

Soups Vinegar Salt Save-el. fish soup ...

boil the herbs and viskpå the soup use boil the shredded apples and it macerate prunes in the soup flavor soup to

Base recipes Oil coconut oil or lard Salt Lemon juice ...

The flour sifted with bagepulveret and whipped to a jævning with 2 dl milk, egg yolks, salt and lemon juice. Whites whipped and invert gently into the dough. Meat, fish, vegetables or fruit, invert the dough and cooked Golden and crispy in hot fat.

Cakes in form Icing sugar Sugar Grated lemon or orange zest ...

stir in butter and sugar in a bowl and stir the eggs soft in one at a time, stir in flour and denvne must pour the dough in a greased form and set the cake in a cold oven on the lower Groove Bake at 160 degrees in an hour Tips: garnish: when the cake is co

Cakes in form Corn flour cornstarch Sugar Butter ...

Flour, sugar, oatmeal and melted butter mixed together into a mass. Rhubarb is cleaned, cut into cubes and place in a baking dish. Sift sugar and corn flour over rhubarb. Came the mass over the rhubarb. Put in the oven for 40 minutes at 175 degrees C alm