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Recipes with Water

Mains Pepper Salt Apple ...

Parsley root, peeled and cut into about 2 cm cubes. The onion cut into slices and Apple cut into 2 cm cubes. Vegetables and fruit fry in oil in a sauté pan with lid. Juice and pepper sprinkled over and water and lime juice poured over. Vegetables some gruel is

Soups White pepper Curry A little oil ...

Parsley root is cleaned, cut into pieces and boiled in water until it is well tender. Water and parsley blended to a smooth puree, which is poured back into the pan. Add cream, and season with salt and pepper. Who can possibly have to thin water down up with a

Sides EVS. 1 dl boiling water Freshly ground pepper Whipped cream ...

Bring water to a boil in a large pot. Peel parsley roots and cut them into cubes (approx. 2 x 2 cm). Came to the Pan along with the lemon juice, and cook on a low heat and under the lid for about 15 minutes, or until tender. Turn the parsley in the boiling wat

Fruits Red currant jelly Vanilla sugar Water ...

Applesauce: They washed, peeled apples is shared in both. Cored, flower and stem removed. The apples are cut into small pieces and boil with water under the lid. The bog be sweetened and season with Vanila and cool. Custard: Sugar, corn flour and vanillekor

Mains Olive oil Salt Oregano, dried ...

Stir in fermented out in the lukewarm water. Getting oil in the mixture. Mix the flour in a little at a time, it is not safe you need to use it all. Let dough raise min. half an hour with a damp cloth. Mix tomato puree, finely grated onion, pressed garlic,

Mains Catennepeber (strong) Coarse salt Majsmels jævning ...

Findel, the butter and stir in flour. Knead the dough with water and eggs. Let the dough rest in the fridge. Pork Roast Beefen and let it rest. Save the juices. Clean and finsnit the pores. Boil them 5. min. in water with salt and let them drain. Save Le

Mains Freshly ground pepper Sour cream 18% Ravigottesauce ...

Roast beef: Time for meat: Ca. 45 minutes at 175 °. Brown the meat on all sides in butter in a frying pan Golden-approx. 3 min. total. Put the meat in a small roasting pan, and set if necessary. a thermometer in the side of the roast. Sprinkle with salt and p

Pickling Turmeric Dill Saffron ...

Peel and cut your radisen China into thin slices. Bring the water, vinegar, sugar, peppercorns and Bay to a boil. Add the saffron and turmeric and pour the boiling liquid over China peanuts. Let peanuts stand and pull for the day after. Tips: Served as an