Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Mains Peeled tomatoes Salt Yogurt ...

Slice the Turkey meat into large diced onion and garlic cleaned and chopped the ginger finely cleaned and torn or cut into fine strips. Heat the oil in a large pan, Brown the meat and take it out of the pan. Onion, garlic and Ginger toasting to the onion

Cakes Salt Wheat flour Water ...

Melt the butter and cool it a little before it whipped together with flour, cold water and salt to a smooth dough. Turn sour in the fraichen. Bake in waffle iron on low heat. In General iron 2-3 minutes on each side. In an electric iron in 1/2 -2 minutes.

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Sugar Salt ...

Crumble the yeast into a bowl, add salt and let it dissolve the yeast (it works!) Add the water, olive oil, sugar and, little by little, pasta flour. Save a handful as the bread to be sprinkled with eventually. Then met pizza flour in. 10-15 minutes to knead t

Sides Bourbon whiskey Pillekartofler Water ...

Potatoes scrubbed thoroughly in cold water and cut into approx. 5 mm. thick slices. The slices in a pan added 1 dl. water, 1 dl. Bourbon whiskey and 6-7 tbsp. sugar. Potato slices are cooked tender under the lid.

Mains Legs and head from the fish Leaf celery Yellow pepper ...

The fish is filleted. Fund: fish bones and head FRY in butter. Water is added and brought to the boil. Lightly. Vegetables into smaller pieces, peppercorns and salt added. Spin together about 30 min. Pull 30 min and filtered through a cloth. Clam ravioli

Cakes in form Orange (shell) Baking soda Icing sugar ...

Stir in the softened butter with the sugar until it is light and flexible. Stir in the eggs one at a time, and stir well between each. Add grated orange peel and chopped nuts. Mix the flour with cocoa and baking powder and stir it into the term, alternating

Mains Nutmeg. whole Pepper Salt ...

Tomato sauce: slice the onion and bell pepper into cubes; mushrooms into thin slices. Sauté everything on a dry nonstick pan (tube all the time in mass). Add the chopped tomatoes, along with water, oregano, pressed garlic, chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Boi

Pickling Atamon Ground cinnamon Water ...

Half of the sugar in a thick-bottomed saucepan and warmed up to a light caramel. The redecorated cooking apples is stirred well up in karamellen, whereupon they sweet apples add, and also mixed with the sugar mass. Water is added, and finally, the jam boils to