Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato puree

Mains Basil Oregano Pepper ...

Cut bacon into small pieces. Season the chopped onion and garlic in it. Add the washed Zucchini in thin slices. Then tomato is added. Taste with the spices mentioned.

Mains Salt Oregano, dried Tomato puree ...

The dough is made and raises approx. 15 min. Roll out the dough to a square. Mix tomato puree with finely fried onion and oregano and wide mixture over the dough. Put on ham, sprinkle cheese and roll the dough into a thick sausage cut into 12-16 slices.

Mains Pepper Salt Skimmed milk ...

Boil the lentils in plenty of water for approx. 10 minutes, drain the water. Heat the oil and season the onions for 3-4 minutes, add the garlic and simmer for 2 minutes. Take the saucepan off the heat and add the boiled lentils, tomato sauce, oatmeal, le

Mains Salt Breadcrumbs Fresh basil ...

Blanch the squash in boiling water approx. 4 min. Chop loose well and let it oil for a couple of minutes. Chop tomatoes into smaller pieces and add thyme and finely chopped fennel and basil. Let onions, tomatoes and spices simmer under lid for approx. 20 mi

Soups Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

The meat is browned (possibly in 2 tablespoons margarine) and the onions brune with when the meat has taken a little color. Flaked tomatoes, tomato sauce, lentils, water, salt and pepper are added and the whole boils for 20 minutes. Take the pot off the heat a

Mains Pepper Tomato puree Chili or cayenne pepper ...

pancakes: Stir flour and milk together. Stir salt and egg in. Melt the margarine and stir in the dough. Bake pancakes of dough, they are to be baked so they are bright on both sides. Filling: Put the onions in the margarine in a saucepan. Throw the beef i

Mains Pepper Finely chopped celery Minced beef ...

Mix the butter and oil in a large frying pan and heat. Add onion and saute for a minute. Add carrots, celery, mushrooms and parsley. Let it simmer for approx. 5 min with stirring. Add the chopped meat and leave it brown. Pour the flour over the meat and sti

Sides Flûtes Green Salad Pepper ...

The aubergines are flaked along and sprinkled with salt. Pulling approx. 1/2 hour. Rinse and cook 5-7 min. In leachate water. The shells are hollowed out, leaving 1 cm of meat left. The shells are placed in a greased oven dish. The meat is chopped with a