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Recipes with Soy sauce

Mains Acacia honey Soy sauce Chili strong, encountered ...

Mix the ingredients of marinade together and pour it into a plastic bag. Bring the meat in and close. Let it marinate in mine. 2 hours and preferably overnight. Heat the oven to 200 degrees C. alm. Cook the oven for about 30 minutes. Overburden the meat wit

Mains Red chilli, sliced into thin rings Leaf celery Oil ...

Cut the bread of 8 pieces slightly slanted. Stir oil, soy and sherry together and turn the marbled dumplings into marinade a few times before marinade and steaks are covered in the refrigerator for one hour. Divide the pores on the long joint into 4 parts and

Mains Plain yogurt Soy sauce Oranges, juice of which ...

The oil is heated in a pan with the curry. Carrots in the tern are switched for 2 minutes. Onions are added and the whole is switched for another 2 minutes. Add soy sauce, orange juice, coriander, chopped ginger and water and let it boil at low heat for 10

Mains Pineapple. canning Pineapple juice. canning Oil ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut into very thin slices. The onions are also cut into very thin slices and the pineapple rings are divided into eight parts each. In a large refractory dish lay half of the potatoes, onions, pineapples and raisins. The oil i

Mains Pepper, freshly ground Salt Soy sauce ...

Boil the noodles in a large pot of boiling water. Let them drip well. Heat the oil in a thickened pot and put onions, carrots, garlic, curry and chilli in. Pipes for the onions are shiny and soft. Add noodles and the rest of the ingredients. Step by steady hea

Mains Pepper Salt Fish broth ...

The salmon is cut into small tern and cooked golden, put the salmon on a hot dish. Cut the vegetables in slices and fry for 2-5 minutes, put them on the dish with the lacquer. Add finely chopped chilli, garlic and grated ginger for approx. 2 min, add soy and f

Mains Pepper Salt Balsamic vinegar, dark ...

The sponges are cleaned. Let the little ones stay the rest and share the bigger mushrooms so they have the same size. Clean and rinse the spring bulbs and cut them into diagonal pieces of approx. 3 cm. Stir vinegar, soy sauce, finely chopped ginger and pota

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

The oil is heated in a wok, the salmon is fast and honey and the soy sauce is turned in a few times, then the vegetables are cooked and fry until salty and salty with salt and pepper. This recipe can also be made with fresh tuna in strips. For this, fres