Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Shallots

Mains Wheat flour Suit Pepper ...

The chicken is parted and browned in a little butter. Season with salt and pepper. Then add whole chopped mustots, carrots and slices of slices, bay leaves and garlic in smaller pieces. Red wine (not too sweet) is poured and the chicken is steamed tenderly

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Bring the dad into a bowl and all the ingredients in it, knead it all together well into four steaks. Put bacon around the edge and staple it with a toothpick. Bring margarine on the forehead and raise them until they are well brown on both sides. Served with

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Remove the outer leaves and coarse ribs from the savoy cabbage and chop it roughly. Pil onion and chop them nicely. Stir the onions in butter on a saute pan for approx. 5 min. Till they are soft. Add vinegar and let it boil. Add the cream and boil th

Mains Crushed chili Pepper Salt ...

Pesto: Run a 1/4 teaspoon. Chili, garlic, lemon peel and parsley uniform in your food processor and add the oil a little at a time. Bring hazelnuts, salt and pepper to a pesto consistency, taste with spices and possibly. lemon juice. Mash: Peel potatoes, ca

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Crumble the fat into the flour. Add salt. Stir the dough with water and set it cold for 1 hour. Clean the vegetables, cut broccoli into small bouquets, mushrooms in slices, onions in cubes. Roll out the dough and coat a greased pie with it. Knock the bottom

Mains Fresh Chervil Acacia honey Dijon mustard ...

Cut the potatoes into a little smaller pieces. Cut the spring onion well and cut the shallots in thin slices. Stir a dressing together of yum, mustard, honey and lemon juice. Season with horseradish, salt and pepper. The amount of horseradish is a temperame

Mains EVS. 1 dl. cream Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into strips and cut the smoked bacon into cubes. Shallow and piled shallots. Peel carrots and celery and cut the carrots in coins and celery in cubes. Melt the butter golden and grate the bacon cubes in it. Add the meat and onion and leave it b

Mains Parsley Grated parmasan cheese White wine ...

Sweat bacon in olive oil. After 5-10min. Pour onions and mushrooms in the frying pan. After 10 min. Came the rice in 5min. After pouring the white wine in. Let the wine evaporate. Pour the hot broth in the forehead slightly after hand. When the rice has so