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Recipes with Salt

Mains Garlic Pepper Parsley ...

Mash the sardilian fillets with a fork and melt them in the hot olive oil. Add capers, garlic and olives, all roughly chopped. Stir well and after a few minutes add the tomatoes into strips and a little later the chopped parsley. Boil for a few minutes. If the

Cakes Hermes etas dryslet Cardamom Salt ...

Stir the yeast into a little lukewarm water. Mix all the ingredients together (let the fat cool) and knead the dough together. Roll the dough onto a plate and allow it to rise. Mix the cranberries, apples and Hermesetas Dried together and spread the mixture on

Desserts (warm) Eggs Hermes etas dryslet Oil ...

Whip egg, milk, salt, Hermesetas Dried and wheat flour together. Finally add the oil and let the dough rest a little. Put thin little pancakes in a little oil or completely without grease on a teflon pan. Deliciously filled pancakes are filled with fresh Hindb

Lunch Cut dill Apple vinegar Salt ...

Cut the fillets into pieces or leave them whole. Mix water, apple vinegar and salt to make and pour it over the herring. Leave it cold for approx. 3 hours. To the sauce stir all the ingredients in the mustard in that order. Pour the sauce over the herring and

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Chop well and pour it golden in the olive oil on very low heat. Add the ham (minus fat) cut into short strips, and then the rice. Sprinkle with 1 dl white wine. Boil the rice tenderly by stirring regularly and continue to spice with water or broth. Season with

Salads Salt Sweetener Lemon, the juice of which ...

The rhubarb pieces are cut into thin slices as for cucumber salad, sprinkle with salt. The sweetener dissolves in lemon juice, pour into an atamon flushed glass with a screwdriver or pot of boiling glass, sprinkle the rhubarb with pepper and place them in the

Mains Flesh of 3 tomatoes diced without skin Pepper from the grinder Salt ...

Earthquake Compole: Boil the earthquakes slightly until they are tenderly tender (about 10 min) with olive oil, garlic and thyme and season with salt and pepper. Pour sift and cool. Scallops: Free the scallops from the muscle. Blanch them for 5 seconds. A

Sides Pepper Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Blend / mash the fruit from the avocados with the other ingredients