Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Corn starch ...

1. cook spaghetti until tender on the instructions on the package. drain, let it drip and pour it with cold water. 2. cut the sausages into thin slices and finely chop the onion. 3. grill the sausages in a pan and gently fry the onions came by for a further

Snacks Pumpkin seeds Very little oil Salt ...

Kernere to wash all meat etc are gone. Heat the Pan up to very weak heater and turn them in a little oil in the _very_ approx. 20 minutes with lots of salt. Tips: May dryssses in Potato-pumpkin soup:)

Mains Fund Pepper Salt ...

Thaw the roast slowly up The hard brown in butter Season with salt and pepper Pour the water on so it is half covered Onion onion and carrot in the water Let the roast simmer for 2 ½-3 hours Take the roast up and wrap it into The roast is resting while

Appetizers Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Melt magarinen came chopped onion in let the cords slightly without colour. Com championer ye shall not turn brown. Flour in cream and asparagus væden granted to it will be just as gravy. Let the cords in the 3-4 min. Lemon juice salt and pepper 5 minced eg

Bread, buns & biscuits A little milk + oil So they are really beautiful Eggs ...

yeast smudleres out in a bowl, melt the margarine and milk and oil came in. when it is finger warm. space left it up to the fermented. came the rest of the ingredients in the dough still is klistert. If, accepted that more flour in. so must the dough raise in

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Set water over for pasta and put salt in the water. While you're waiting for the water to boil cut the bacon and onion and beginning to brown them in a wok pan. When you've browned Bacon mix eggs and a little cream in a cup and luck it along with the bac

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

Sauté the vegetables in a little oil, gold and got them in a ildfst dish. Saute the bacon and chicken/Turkey and vegetable seasonings with salt and pepper and heel over the vegetables. Cook the pasta in a little oil and salt, let it drain away and it also ca

Lunch (to go) Ketchup Salt Wheat flour ...

Crumble the yeast in a bowl. Warm the milk to it is hand warm and stir a bit of it in yeast. Add the rest of the milk and the salt, oil and flour. Knead it all carefully and let dough raise in min. ½ hour. Then pour the dough out on the table with a little flo