Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Lunch Pepper Salt Becel liquid ...

Save 0.5 red pepper and 0.5 peeled cucumber for decoration. Bring the rest of the peppers and cucumber cut into smaller pieces in a blender with tomato, vinegar and Becel liquid with olive oil. Findel the vegetables and taste the soup with salt and pepper.

Cakes in form Orange juice Icing sugar Among other things, dried fruit and nuts (salatmix) ...

Lemon melissa and nutmeg blend in the blender. The rest of the ingredients are added and blended until the dough is uniform. The dough poured into a mold / frying pan and baked at 175 degrees for approx. 40 minutes. The glaze is stirred and lubricated on

Midnight snacks 1 since. baked beans Chopped spring onion leaves Salt ...

Heat 2 tbsp. Oil in a saucepan. Add onion, garlic and chilli powder and cook for 2 minutes. Dip and add tomatoes and cut them with a knife. Add tomato sauce, mustard, vinegar, worcestershiresauce, sugar and salt. If you use beans, add them now and let it boil

Breakfast & brunch Yeast Becel liquid Salt ...

Stir yeast into lukewarm water. Add salt, Becel liquid, white wheat and wheat flour a little at a time and stir the dough together. The dough must be a little sticky. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and place it in the refrigerator overnight. Put the dough on

Salads Dressing Salt Sunflower kernels ...

Stir all the pieces to the dressing together in a bowl Spread broccoli in fine bouquets. Cut the red string well. Stir all ingredients EXCEPT bacon along with dressing. Leave it cold for at least 3 hours. Bring the bacon nuts crisp and let them

Mains Salt for tilsmagning Raisins Salt ...

First, you cook the rice: Pour water and salt into a pan, boil it with high heat. Pour the rice in. When boiling again, put the lid on the pot and turn it down on low heat. Boil for 12 minutes. Then take the rice away from the heat and leave it for 12 m

Mains Basmati rice Oil Grated ginger ...

Oil is heated by high heat in the pan. The bowls are added and switched short. Onions and garlic are added and browned. When the onions and garlic are browned add tomatoes and peppers, add salt, chili and carry and fry for 2-3 minutes. There may be Add some w

Mains Wheat flour Ketchup Lasagne sheets ...

Start ribbed carrots and cut the onions into small terns. Then add the meat until it is completely brown and add the carrots and onions and squeeze in. Stir for a few minutes and add tomato paste and boulion water. If necessary, start with 2 cans of tomato pas