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Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Eggs Sugar ...

1. switch the oven on 225 * 2. melt margarine in a saucepan, add the milk and let it be finger hot 3. Pour the margarine and milk in a bowl and dissolve the yeast in it 4. Beat the eggs, salt and sugar in milk mixture 5. mix wheat flour, a little at a time

Mains Chopped green onion Salt Feta cheese (die cut) ...

Brush the iron frying pan with olive oil and place on the plates as Danish pastry. Put the first two flip, then swipe the brush olive oil on the leaves and put two new paging on. Keep it until you've used half of the leaves. Then sprinkle spinach and salt o

Appetizers Marjoram Olive oil Pepper ...

Cut the onions in slices and fry them slowly until they are soft. they must not brown. shredded and sautéed with peppers until they are soft. came the shredded tomatoes, salt, pepper and krydderurteri, put the lid on and cook it for low heat for an hour. advan

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley, fresh ...

Multen filleted and scales scraped by (get the fishmonger to it), the inside cleaned the of membranes and pins in the back removed with a fish seaweed. Multen cut into serving pieces and the skin is cut, possibly. at intersections. FRY in butter and oil on

Mains Frying oil Wheat flour Pepper ...

Fried onions: Onions cut in half sliced like fried in butter soft. Seasoned with salt. Live: Lamb liver renese and cut into as thin slices as possible. Be turned into flour and seasoned with salt and pepper. FRY in butter 2-3 minutes on each side, they shou

Sides White pepper Salt Squash ...

Inserts squashene into slices 1 cm. Fry the slices in butter and salt and pepper came by. Com squash and grated cheese layered in a baking dish. Finish with a layer of cheese. Set the dish in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 150 degrees c. alm. oven. Unscrew t

Mains Pepper Salt Whole chicken ...

Clean the chicken (empty for food, his this is available). Among other items. In a bowl and fill the chicken with the mixture. Step into the oven (after instructions on the chicken, which depends on the size of this) in a pan. tips: Served with ric

Mains It was dough Meat sauce (not needed) Origano ...

Knead first the dough and leave it for 10 minutes. Put all the stuff and put the pizza into the oven for 210 for an hour tips: Eat ketchup on