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Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Milk/cream ...

Season the onions in fat until they are ready. Add the chopped meat and stir until it has split. Add curry, salt and pepper and let the curry sweat a little. Add mushrooms / vegetables and rasp. Mix it all well. Pour the mixture into a greased refractory

Lunch Chopped onion Curry Marinated herring from a bucket ...

Approx. 1/2 dl ketchup is stirred together with 1 tsp. Curry and a little salt and a little chopped onion. Then come sprinkled white marinated herring into it all turns together. The herring draws 1/2 hour before serving or the amount of time they have the lon

Mains Wheat flour Onion Oil ...

Turn the chops into flour mixed with peppers of salt and pepper. Brown the chops in oil in a high-browed pan and remove them. Chop the chopped mushrooms in quarters and grate onions and mushrooms golden on the forehead at high heat. Turn to medium heat and pla

Sides Pepper Salad dressing Salt ...

1 cut a salad head then cut the tomatoes and aguarchs, the peppers And the onion putb some salt and pepper put dressing and enjoyed it

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

BEFORE YOU START: Notice the long cooking time: 2-2½ hours. Cut onion, bacon, celery and carrots very nicely into the tern and mix it all with the meat in a large saucepan. Put the mixture in oil into the pan until the meat turns brown. Then add the wine an

Mains Pepper The reef must be from an orange Juice from 2 oranges ...

Divide the cabbage into quarters, remove the stick and cut the cabbage a bit fine. Melt butter in a large saucepan and turn the cabbage into it. Until it becomes sound and collapse. Add edible, orange peel, juice and spices. Turn well. Cook under the lid unt

Buffets Well 1 kg. pig liver El. like calf's liver Pepper Salt ...

Liver, fried onions, garlic, bacon and mushrooms chopped through a meat chop, preferably 2 times. It's all poured into a food processor, where it mixes thoroughly, let the machine "run" for 5-6 minutes. The finished dough is poured into suitable molds. It mus