Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Rice

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Pepper Salt ...

porrene and skærres in 5-6 cm skyles pieces up to "the green", distributed in a dish. The carrots peeled, cut into strips,-fordelses in the dish. The onion halved and cut into slices, fordelses in the dish. Tomatoes cut into slices, along with minced garl

Mains Spices-your choice Chicken strips Grated cheese ...

First fry the chicken strips in a frying pan. the rice is put to boil in saucepan. large saucepan heated and chicken strips are met therein. on the frying pan FRY now wok mixture or vegetables of your choice. Rice then accepted into the pan with the chicken an

Mains Pepper Salt Tomato puree (beauvais) ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices, fry them in a pan with a little butter until golden. Brown then koteletterne in fat, seasoned with salt and pepper. Put koteletterne in a baking dish with high edge, above be the mushrooms, then made bouillion

Mains 1/4-1/2 broccoli Chili Curry (1/2 tsp – strøget) ...

The chicken is cut into cubes or strips and FRY in a little oil. A little curry powder sprinkled over. Kylligen be set aside. Carrots, peppers and onions cut into strips and mushrooms into slices. All the vegetables FRY in oil. Pressed garlic, horseradish,

Soups Bouillon Salt Cucumber, diced ...

Boil the rice in water with salt and Bouillon. Let rice be completely cold. It is best with rice as not paste. Stir flaxseed oil in the rice. Turn all the vegetables in so that they will be distributed in the rice. Gently add the avocado and shrimp and stir i

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Stuffed Chicken with onion in coarse cubes, garlic and prunes. Brown the chicken on all sides in skillet in butter. Com red wine and water into the Pan, then the chicken is covered half. Got a lid on the Pan and give the chicken 30 minutes on one side

Mains Mushroom Flour for Breading of chicken pieces Whipped cream ...

Kylingen in the cutting, so hull and wings can be used for soup. In good time boil there soup on the fuselage and wings. 1/2 litres of water per chicken. Left to right are prepared. Finely chopped onion Sauté in pan with butter on top sprinkled garlic On

Mains Basillikum pesto Bread Chili ...

Mix a bit of pestoen with the finely chopped chilli and olive. Lyft skin from the chicken pieces and butter pesto mixture onto meat. Put the skin back into place. Seasoned with salt and pepper and FRY in the oven at 200 ° for kødsaften is ready. Porresaute