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Recipes with Red chili

Soups Oil Salt Fintklippet chives ...

Onions, chives and garlic are chopped roughly. The chili is cut into small pieces. The potatoes are peeled and cut into large cubes. Onions, chives, garlic and chilli are spiced in a little oil. Potatoes and broth are added. The soup is cooked under low h

Sauces Salt Fund Red chili ...

Melt the sugar under low heat. DO NOT touch the sugar. When the sugar is melted, take the saucepan off the heat and stir the vinegar. WARNING it may burst. Stir the fund in and the chopped chilli. Boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir the whi

Appetizers Pepper Salt Red chili ...

The fish is spread over four plates. The eggs are cut into coarse pieces and placed on the center of the fish. Smoked cheese, milk, dijonnaise, chopped garlic and crushed pickled garlic are stirred together and seasoned with salt and pepper. The mixture is s

Sides Pepper Salt Eggplant ...

Peel the eggplant and cut it into 1 cm thick slices. Grill the slices on a pan until the slices get barbecued strips and have been passed through. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a bowl. Chop the chilli and squeeze the garlic on. Add some salt and pe

Sides Pepper Salt Red chili ...

Cut garlic and chili into small pieces. Heat a pan with a little oil. Season the garlic one minute until golden. Add chilli and pine nuts and simmer until pine nuts are golden. Add spinach and good with salt and pepper.

Mains White pepper Salt Butter/margarine/oil for lasagnefad ...

Polenta: Pour polenta grit in lukewarm salted water in a pan. Warm on medium heat. Stir constantly until it thickens. Turn down to the lowest blow and stir very often so that it does not burn. Wide in 1 cm thick layer on baking sheet. Let it settle (there

Mains Fish sauce Olive oil for frying Pepper ...

Start with the cold olive oil and the finely chopped onion. Step them until they are ready with a whole clove of garlic and chopped chilli. Flame the onion in the spirits (Remember to turn the hood off) Add canned tomatoes. Chop tomatoes or cut them in both

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Juice from one lime ...

Pour the oil into a pan. Add the meat and brown it. Chop the chilli, add it to the saucepan and let it sweat a little with the meat. Peel carrots and beetroots, tear them on the small side of the grater, add to the pan and mix well with the meat. Add the c