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Recipes with Pepper

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice from here ...

Celery cut into fine strips, apples peeled and grated on the coarse side of Slaw iron. Turned into sour cream 9%, which is flavored with salt, pepper, lemon and sugar. The dressing should just tie the apples and celery together.

Salads Pepper Salt Summer cabbages ...

Stir in yogurt with Apple vinegar and sugar cane. Season with salt and pepper. Average white cabbage finely. Wash the Apple and cut it into thin both. Turn the cabbage and apples in the dressing and serve as accessories

Salads Pepper Salt Grape seed oil ...

Cut the eggplants in ½ cm thick slices and grate them in oil in a frying pan. They should be well browned. Place them on a rack and season them with salt and pepper. Serve the chilled eggplants on a platter and serve with strimlede Sun-dried tomatoes, olives a

Salads Flute Salt Lemon ...

24 hours before the dry tomatoes in water. shrimp (5 min) or chicken (10 min) toasting on the forehead-sprinkle garlic salt and peder. Water boils to asparagus. Should cook for about 5 mins. Cut lettuce into thin strips advantage on 2 plates, onion and c

Salads Pepper Salt Chili-Orange oil ...

Aubergine cut into ca. 1 cm-thick slices that brushed on both sides with chili-Orange oil and spread out on a baking sheet. Avoid letting the Aubergine suck too much oil. Eggplant slices grilled in the oven until golden brown, turn over and grilled Golden on t

Salads Sea salt Pepper Butter ...

Pour a little sea salt in a bowl and dissolve it with fruit vinegar. Season with pepper and add sunflower oil. Spires is given a short rehash and placed in ice water. Afdryppes and mix with salad sauce. Peel the asparagus and boil them until tender and crisp i

Salads Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

The potatoes scrubbed thoroughly and boil until tender in salted water. Allow to cool. Sesame seeds roasted in a dry pan. Mustard and yogurt is stirred together and season with salt and pepper. Slices of potatoes be turned in along with sesame seeds. Made in a

Salads Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Lettuce leaves washed, dried and chop. Celery and triangles of grapefrugtkød mixed and poured over. Peberfrugten split, cleaned and chop finely and sprinkled with chopped almonds. Mayonnaisen stir thin with cream taste and mix in.