Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Orange juice

Desserts (cold) Orange juice Lemon juice Milk ...

cut the apples and pears and sliced. Blænd slices to mush. Add sugar, milk, orange juice and lemon juice of your choice style fruit drink in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Tips: tastes super good: D

Drinks (cold) A little vanilla sugar Banana Yogurt natrual ...

Blend sugar and strawberry. Add the rest and blend again then you should just drink it.

Cakes in form Torn shell of 1 orange Icing sugar Sugar ...

Whip eggs and sugar light and airy. Add carrots and orange peel. Mix the nuts, flour and baking powder and flip it into the dough. Pour batter into a greased springform. Behind the approximately 50 minutes at 175 degrees on nederske ovnrille. Put foil over the

Cakes in form Light syrup Nutmeg Very coarsely chopped nuts ...

Oil, sugar, syrup and eggs stirred together into a homogeneous mass, after which the flour in which the spices are sighted, stirred together with orange juice. Finally add the fruits and nuts, which are turned into flour, and it all touched to a uniform mass.

Salads Maple syrup Orange juice Pomegranate ...

Cut red cabbage and leeks just fine and got pomegranate seeds and toasted hazelnuts in half. Mix Orange and maple syrup and pour it over the salad. Can bear to pull a couple of hours.

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Orange juice Lukewarm milk ...

Stir the yeast into the milk and then add the orange juice, eggs, oil and sugar where after the flour stir/kneaded in a little at a time. Usually I make dough balls, so they weigh 60 g. Bake in the oven at 200 ° C 10-12 my.

Cakes in form Bicarbonate of soda Cocoa Margarine ...

1. All the tærre things to be mixed. Flour, sugar, soda, cocoa. 2. Eggs, juice, and the melted margarine, which is to be up in the tærre thing. 3. dough hæleds in a springform, Bake approximately 40 minutes the oven must stand at 175 degrees c.

Cakes in form Coconut Bicarbonate of soda Pålægschokolade ...

The way the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet in another bowl and pour it all over in is toast. Whip the heke well together and came over in a greased baking pan. came the cake in oven 175 degrees for about 30 mins. remember the OVEN SHOULD BE HOT!!! Wh