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Recipes with Orange juice

Drinks (warm) Dark syrup Brown sugar Orange juice ...

All the ingredients are boiled. Let it simmer for 4 hours or until it is reduced to approx. The half. The approx. 6 liters is the essence you make your glow when you want to serve a glass. Add a lot of essence and add as much red wine - ie 1: 1 Heat the sm

Mains Pepper Salt Orange juice ...

Melt the sugar into a saucepan. Once the sugar is melted, pour the juice into the pan and allow the sugar to mix with the juice. Step on a pan with salt and pepper until it turns brown. Cut the garlic in half and throw them in a rose sauce with the orange juic

Drinks (warm) Lemon juice thereof Orange juice Cinnamon sticks ...

Sugar and cinnamon boil for 1 1/4 dl. Water for 5 minutes. The saucepan is removed from the heat and added apple, orange and lemon juice and 1 1/4 dl. Water. Heat it all well, remove the cinnamon pieces and split the toddy into heated glass with the lemo

Desserts (warm) Orange sauce 1 serving = 2 pancakes Salt Orange juice ...

Pancakes: Dry the ingredients evenly with water / beer and milk. Egg yolks and oil are added and the dough rests for 30 minutes in a refrigerator. After that, the egg whites are whipped stiff and turned into the dough. Put the pancakes in butter. Apple s

Drinks (cold) Straws Banana Handfuls of frozen raspberries ...

1 Blend the raspberries until they no longer hang together. Mosaic Bananas. 3 Put the banana, juice and yougurten into the blender and blend until the mixture is even. 4 Server with suction pipe. tips: You can also use regular raspberries, but if they a

Drinks (cold) Banana Kiwi Orange juice ...

Pour the ice cubes into the blender and crush them. Peel the kiwi and banana and cut them into smaller pieces. The kiwi, banana, raspberries and orange juice are put into the blender and blended until the smoothie gets a good consistency. Bon appetite :)

Desserts (cold) Orange juice Cream Strawberry porridge ...

Pour a little orange juice over the tart bottom. Whip the cream together with the strawberry porridge, but make sure you do not whip too much. Then you pour it over the pie. After that you leave the pie in the fridge. Till it is cool. tips: If you want

Fruits Orange liqueur Water Grapes shared ...

Lage: Boil water, sugar and orange juice for 10 minutes. Let the layer swell before mixing the liqueur. Get all the fruits except the figs in the law, let them pull cold for half an hour. Peel if necessary. The figs if the skull is very cool. Put them on t