Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Orange juice

Drinks (cold) Lemon slice Lemon juice to taste Apollinaris ...

It all mixes in a glass with ice cubes. Decorate with a lemon slice and possibly lemon balm.

Desserts (cold) Sweetener equivalent to 75-100 gr sugar Grated lemon peel Water ...

Gaio, cream cheese light, lemon and orange juice, and lemon peel are mixed well together. Fromagen is seasoned with sweetener. Water and cumin powder are heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven until the blister has dissolved. Mix the husblas easily

Cakes in form Chopped almonds or nut cores Orange juice Milk ...

All ingredients are filled into a tube bowl and stirred with hand mixes for 2 - 3 minutes. The dough is distributed in a greased form (20x30 cm). Chopped almonds or noodles are sprinkled on. Microwave oven: full effect 4 min + ½ efekt approx. 6 min. Bake the c

Cakes in form Grated must of 0.5 Orange Baking soda Margarine ...

Get the dough in a spring form and behind 50 min. At 175 °. Cool and cover with apple glaze and the fox and chopped nuts.

Cakes Grated orange peel Baking soda Ginger ...

Stir egg yolks and go well together. Stir honey in. Mix flour and baking soda and stir in the dough with water. Whip the egg whites stiff and fold them into the dough with light hand. Make a paper, approx. 30 x 30 cm, and butter it. Bring the dough in and behi

Sauces Grated shell of Orange Orange juice Lemon juice ...

Mix everything in a saucepan and cook the sauce for 1 min.

Mains Bouillon cubes Meljævning Pepper ...

The other is lightly rubbed with salt and pepper in a frying pan and rubbed here with fine shells of the oranges and around the other poured cold water. Put in a hot oven at 225 degrees and when the water bubbles, turn down to 200 degrees and always on the bot

Cookies Allspice Cardamom Cinnamon ...

1. Heat, dough and butter are heated in a pan by medium heat. The mixture must melt to a uniformly thick liquid but must not boil. 2. Mix flour, baking soda and spices into a bowl. 3. Almonds and nuts chopped nicely in a blender. Orange peel and papaya a