Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oatmeal

Cakes Whipping cream for whipped cream Egg yolk Baking soda ...

Margarine and sugar melted in a pan. Rest in the pan. Put on a plate with a teaspoon and bake 5-7 minutes at 200 degrees (low good distance- pasties are flowing much out-ca. 6 tskf. on a plate) is served together with a whipped cream, smørcream or kagecream.

Cakes in form Blueberry/chocolate/Apple cubes as desired Cinnamon Bicarbonate of soda ...

brown sugar and oil, stir well. Add eggs, one at a time. Spices are mixed in, whereupon melen added. Carrots and blueberries/chocolate/Apple turned into. Tips: Easy for kids to be involved in. Is easy to vary.

Cakes in form Cream Baking soda Deep dish peeled apples that are cut into cubes (about 2 large apples) ...

Whip eggs and sugar well. Stir in flour, oatmeal and Apples mixed in bagpulver in. Crunch: melt margarine. Boil cream and hasselnøddkerner a little. Mix margarine, cream and nuts together. Divide the batter into the springform and advantage crunching upstai

Cakes Cocoa Desiccated coconut Whipped cream ...

Mix all the ingredients well together. Form small balls and roll them in desiccated coconut or mixed vermicelli while they are still a little soft. Oatmeal balls keep cool.

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Wheat flour Raisins ...

How to: Tube butter with sugar. Add the raisins and the remaining ingredients. Accepted on a baking sheet into little blobs, and bake at 200 g. in about 10 minutes at the bottom of the oven.

Drinks (cold) Banana Milk Oatmeal ...

prop it all down into the blender. EVS. chopped chocolate pieces, sprinkled over at the end of the glass

Bread, buns & biscuits Oatmeal Oil or liquid margarine Large Apple grated like uskrællet ...

Udrør the yeast in the lukewarm water. Add the rest of the ingredients. Knead the dough until it is smooth. Be raised approximately 1 hour. Beaten down and shaped to 16 buns, which is put on the plate with wax paper. After lifted 20 min. The swollen buns

Candy Coconut as needed Cocoa Butter ...

All the ingredients are mixed in a bowl. Roll small balls in your hand and roll them then in coconut. Best kept in a tightly sealed Tin in the fridge.