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Recipes with Field mushroom

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Came the meat in a pan with the mushrooms and onions and oil, sauté it for the meat is finely ground and browned. Then add tomato puree, pressed garlic, thyme, salt and pepper and possibly a little water. Let it stand and simmer 10 min.

Soups Lemon juice Crushed white pepper Water ...

Clean the prawns and cut them in half through lengthwise from the dorsal side Arrow to sample and crack them lengthwise into four pieces Cut the tomatoes into quarters Hugs Lemongrass stalks with the flat of a large knife or kitchen axe and tie a knot in them'

Appetizers Grated parmesan Butter Finely grated onion ...

the stick snapped of the cleaned mushroom. chop and sauté together with the grated onion in butter. Mix the ingredients together and fill in the mushrooms. Put on cookie sheet and bake in the oven at. 175. gr, in 15 min. Serve in a batch operation and serve

Salads Pepper Salt Finely chopped lemon grass ...

Slice the mushrooms and leeks into thin slices. Chop the ginger and garlic finely. Whisk lemon juice, Orange and olive oil together. Season with salt and pepper. Mix all the ingredients together and place the salad cold a few hours before use.

Mains Chopped thyme and parsley Pepper Salt ...

Rinse ducks inside and outside and dry them in paper towel. The ducks are brown in half of the butter and oil. Be taken up and the fat poured from. Clip the parsley coarsely. Chop the garlic and Juniper Berry. Cut bacon slices into coarse cubes. It's all

Mains EVS. chopped parsley for garnish Pepper Salt ...

Cut red onion into small pieces, celery slices and celery into cubes. Warm the oil and butter up in a large frying pan. (Including Brown shoulder later.) Pour the herbs in and fry over excessive heat, for it has been color. Cut apples with Peel into small p

Mains Bay leaf Red wine Peppercorn ...

Pour boiling water on the Pearl onions and let them soak about 5 minutes. Arrow them. clean mushrooms. Peel parsley roots and cut them into thin slices. Wash the cherry tomatoes. Cut the meat in tern 2 x 2 cm and 1 cm's thickness. Serve whole on a platter.

Mains EVS. mango chutney Salt White cabbage ...

Cut the meat into fine, thin strips of about 4 x ½ x ½ cm. and Pat them dry with paper towels. Average white cabbage, onion and peberfrugten into strips that are half as thick, but has the same length as kødstrimlerne. Cut the cleaned mushrooms into slices. Ch