Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Field mushroom

Mains Pepper Salt Balsamic vinegar, dark ...

The sponges are cleaned. Let the little ones stay the rest and share the bigger mushrooms so they have the same size. Clean and rinse the spring bulbs and cut them into diagonal pieces of approx. 3 cm. Stir vinegar, soy sauce, finely chopped ginger and pota

Appetizers White pepper from the grinder Chervil leaves for garnish Garlic ...

Peel the asparagus and cut them all along. Blanch the sugar peas and cut them into very fine strips. Tomato sticks are removed and a cross is cut in the top of the tomato. Put in boiling water approx. 12 seconds, taken up and placed in ice water. The skin and

Appetizers Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Stir the cheese softly into a bowl together with creme fraiche and chives. Season with salt and pepper. Cut large mushrooms into mundane pieces. Dip the mushrooms in cone egg and then in breadcrumbs so they are completely covered. Heat the oil and sprinkle the

Mains A few sprigs fresh thyme (or a little dried) Pepper Red wine or knorr Fund (veal or chicken on bottle) ...

Clean the meat for fat, tendons and barriers and cut it out into the tern Clean the field champignon with a brush and a knife and remove the bottom of the stick Chop the chopsticks roughly Peel celery and carrots (or other root crops) and cut them int

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Rub the calf fillet with pepper. Brush it in the butter in a saucepan that is just so big that the calf fillet almost fills it all out. Turn it until it is well brown on all sides. Season with salt. Pour approx. Half of the broth and let it roast under low

Mains Eggs Pepper Salt ...

Rinse and chop the ground bushes roughly and season them with a little butter. Grind the nuts through a almond grinder or put them in the blender. Mix the mushrooms and nuts and add the leaf celery cut into strips and apple cut into cubes. Stir the rasp, cream

Mains Pepper Salt Tarragon, fresh ...

Place the fillets in an ovenproof dish and season with salt and pepper. Clean the mushrooms, cut the largest into smaller pieces and shake them in butter. Cut the pears into slices, halve tomatoes, remove the kernels and cut the meat in both. Bring leek,

Sides Pepper Salt Butter ...

Dip the butter dough. Roll the dough thinner and fill the dough into 8 small diameter 6 cm diameter cakes. Pour the dough with a fork and add the stanniol and coarse salt on the dough before baking to avoid raising. Bake the molds at 225 degrees for 10-15 minu