Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter or margarine

Candy Light syrup Butter or margarine Sugar ...

Sugar, syrup, butter and cream is stirred together in a thick-bottomed saucepan and warmed up to the boiling point. Boil about 45 min to the thermometer shows 120 degrees, or a drop of stiffens to a soft, chewy ball in cold water. There stirred regularly in th

Candy Cream Desiccated coconut Butter or margarine ...

Boil the sugar with cream in 5 min. remove it from the heat and let it cool a little. Stir in butter and coconut flakes, along with coctailbær. Stir in the sugar mass. It came in a flat Bowl or form 10 x 15 cm. Let mass be stiff and then cut it into small cube

Candy Cointreau or Rome Cream 13% Smear chocolate ...

Scroll marcipanen out to a thin rod, which cut into slices. Pipe a trøffeldej of smear chocolate, soft butter, cream and sugar and season with cointreau/Rome came the mass in an icing bag and decorate the marcipan buttons with a nice swung trøffeltop.

Candy Almonds Dark or light chocolate Butter or margarine ...

Cut the tonsils in narrow strips lengthwise and grate them light brown in butter in frying pan. Let the almonds on paper towel afdryppe paper. Melt the chocolate and mix most almonds in. Let chocolate cool slightly, so that the mass is semi-rigid and place it

Cakes Eggs Lukewarm milk Raisins ...

Stir the yeast in the lukewarm milk. Add sugar, eggs, fat and wheat flour and knead the dough together with a light hand, Let dough raise under a cloth approximately 30 min. stir in fat and sugar for the filling, and add the cinnamon. Knead the dough and roll

Cakes Eggs Lukewarm milk Raisins ...

Stir the yeast in the lukewarm milk. Add sugar, eggs, fat and wheat flour and knead the dough together with a light hand, Let dough raise under a cloth approximately 30 min. stir in fat and sugar for the filling, and add the cinnamon. Knead the dough and roll

Cakes Baking soda Beaten egg Quark ...

Chop the fat, flour and baking powder together. Add the Quark and knead the dough until it is uniform and smooth. Let it rest in the refrigerator for approximately 30 min. Roll dough out to about 3 mm thickness. Connectors round out pieces of dough with a form

Cakes in form Cinnamon Cardamom Bright raisins ...

Melt the honey, sugar and butter in a saucepan. Let it cool. Whip the eggs frothy. Add the chopped almonds, cacao, cardamom, cinnamon, milk, rum, flour and baking powder. Stir it together with honey mass. Let the dough rest for about an hour. For the fillin