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Recipes with Basil

Appetizers Balsamic vinegar Mixed salad (available mixed in bags or trays) Goat cheese (URf.eks. tebstrup organic goat cheese in brine or cabridoux) ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Came some butter on the Pan and sauté them. They don't get too much, since they will be limp. Season with salt and pepper and a little lemon juice and put them on a covered platter. Slice the Lamb tenderloin int

Appetizers Oil Italian Ciabatta bread Grated cheese ...

Cut the bread into slices of about 1 ½ cm and brush them with oil. Come on them in the oven at 200 degrees about 5-10 my C. alm. oven. Chop tomatoes and basilium finely and mix it with pressed garlic. Let the mixture stand approximately 5-10 minutes and the

Mains (made nearly as opbagt Brown gravy) Basil Lasagne sheets ...

Kødsovsen: Onions and garlic in a Pan fry in oil until something clear (preferably not brown. The meat is added in krydden to it is browned. The grated carrots, grated celeriac, the peeled tomatoes and tomatpuren added. Add the spices and season, to h

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Finreven parmesan ...

Mix all things except the FAT to the forcemeat. Let it rest for 10 minutes FRY meatballs for about 7 min on each side. Tips: You are ugly!

Mains Cooking oil Pepper Salt ...

Thyme and Basil are burned in oil (flavor enhancer) Add the meat, onion, garlic, leek, carrot over high heat so it doesn't boil When the meat is sealed, add chopped tomatoes and bullion. The Court småsimrer while the pasta is made. Strong: Add a little chi

Bread, buns & biscuits Basil Salt Oil ...

Water and oil mix and dissolve the yeast. The other ingredients are added. It highlights the 45 min. The dough turned up and shaped like bread. They Bake at 200 degrees for 35-40 min.

Mains Basil Garlic salt Margarine ...

Mix all kryderierne in a plate and roll the roast so it is completely wrapped in spices. Place it in a heat-proof dish with margarine BLOBs by. oven. 175 min. ca. 2 hours serve with cream baked potatoes and salad for

Soups Basil Flute And like peeled tomatoes ...

The meat is Brown and buillon boils. Meanwhile, chop Cabbage and Pores are cleaned. It all brought together in a pan and Add seasonings. Buillon and Juice added at the end. It should cook for about 1 hour. Tips: Serve with baguette.