Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Salt Chicken broth Wheat flour ...

Margarine and seasonings warmed in a pan. Add the meat and onions, diced. When the meat is browned, add water and bouillon cube, and Court boil for approximately 1 hour. (keep an eye out for that all the time is water of the flesh) Add the milk, a little to

Mains Arabic flatbread Pepper Salt ...

Put lamb heads in a large pan and pour water so it covers. Add carrots, peppercorns, onion, Laurel, salt and pepper. Let it simmer for about 2 hours. Roof heads up and arrow flesh of the cheeks and around the skull. Take a casserole dish (with border) and s

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Heat oven up to 175 degrees c. Brown veal shoulder on a frying pan in butter and oil. Boxes the fat and season with salt and pepper. Put calf's shoulder in a heat-proof platter. Add the white wine and water. Close the dish with URf.eks. silver foil and set it

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Rub roast well with salt and pepper and Brown it well on all sides in a pan in butter. Add water and let the meat simmer approximately 1 ½-2 hours, covered, depending on bovens thickness. Take the roast up and keep it warm in aluminum foil. Whip the cloud t

Mains Pepper Rice, bread and salad Salt ...

Saute garlic in butter in a Saute pan or a frying pan. Brown the meat here in on all sides, add salt and pepper. Add the soy, honnonig, ginger and cream. Cook for 40 min. invert after 20 minutes take the meat and let it rest in 15-20 my taste the gravy with sa

Mains Pepper Salt Cream cheese (e.g. hvidløgsost krydderost or naturel aftertaste.) ...

Fry the bacon in the pan with high edges. remove from the pan. Cut chicken into small pieces and fry them on the forehead. Remove chicken and fry the sliced mushrooms. Remove mushrooms from pan. The Pan is put on the midddelvarme and the cheese is melted. When

Mains Cocktail sausages Pepper Salt ...

Cut the bacon into cubes (and possibly cocktail sausages) and fry them in a pan with high edges. Remove it from the Pan and fry the sliced mushrooms to the water is gone. mix it all together and add the cooked pasta. The eggs in and cream are added. season wit

Mains Cayenne pepper Brokkoli Cerrytomater ...

Mix meat + marinade together and let it possibly. withdraw overnight. Fry the meat in a wok and add the other vegetables. The Court must in all simmer for about 20 minutes, covered. Add the sauce and cooked rice and cook further 3-4 minutes. Server if