Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven and set it at 225 degrees. Rub the roast with salt and freshly ground pepper. Put the roast on the grate over the saucepan. Set the roast in the middle of the oven for 10 minutes. Reduce the heat to 160 degrees and further increased cuve

Mains Sour cream or cream Extra garlic Suit ...

The chicken is split out into smaller pieces. Battle it clipped free of rind and cut into narrow strips that fry with small peeled onion. When this becomes Golden added chicken pieces in with white onion into slices and the whole Brown well in some minutes.

Mains Basil, fresh Dough: (langtidsh? vet) Olive oil ...

Cold raised dough: Soak yeast in the cold water, and knead it together with the rest of the ingredients in minimum 5 min. Style in a refrigerator and let stand for a minimum of 3 hours, but preferably overnight. Film-covered, should be as close as possible.

Mains Brown sugar Dijon mustard Smoked breakfast sausage ...

Chop the smoked breakfast sausages. Hugs so salt crackers and mix it with the forcemeat. Forcemeat is formed now as meatloaf, and place in a greased ovenproof dish. Mix mustard and brown sugar to a fat lot, and butter it on top and on the sides of the bread.

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Boil the spaghetti and drainage them be in a tærtefad. Put porrerskiver or cut scallions and ham cubes mix the 3 eggs with cremefinen and spices and pour over sprinkle grated cheese over and put in the oven for 30 min at 200 degrees Tips: I added

Mains Oil Pepper Rice ...

Chicken cut into cubes and FRY in oil until it is half URstegt.tag it up by woken onion and garlic tomatoes, diced into small cubes and FRY my 3minutter supler with more oil in brocoli florets carrots sliced asparagus sliced baby corn, sliced red peppers in lo

Mains Curry Pepper Chicken ...

Leek cut into slices and boil 1 min. in the broth. The rice is added at the bottom of a casserole dish. Leeks and bouillon is poured over. Peas, salt, pepper and Curry met by and the blended. The chicken is split into 4 and placed on top of the mixture. Be mad

Mains Button mushrooms, sliced Sour cream Puff pastry ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Ruld the puff pastry out on wax paper. A packet of puff pastry on a bad paper. drag it onto a baking sheet. Mix the crème fraîche and mustard and warm it in a pan. Add the ham and mushroom and give it a short rehash. i