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Mains recipes

Mains Fine bread crumbs Pepper Salt ...

Divide the cauliflower into bouquets and boil them for 5 min. In leachate water. Melt the butter in a pan and stir it with the flour. Sprinkle with boiling cauliflower and milk. Boil for a few minutes while stirring well. Remove the pot from the heat and stir

Mains Chili Oil for frying Pepper ...

Put the rice to boil. Meanwhile, you dare to shrimp. Put some oil on a forehead and smash the eggs while you're chopping them with a palette knife. When the eggs are finished, the peppers are cut, cut into small terns. When the shrimp have thrown up they come

Mains Paprika, rose Pepper Salt ...

The chopped cloves are sprinkled with salt, peppers and a little pepper + stirring with good heat in a little oil margarine and put in refractory dishes. The onions are peeled, halved and cut into slices and then placed on top of the cutlets. Mushrooms are c

Mains Pepper Salt Smoked lard ...

Potatoes peel and boil tenderly in USALED water. Meanwhile, chop the spoon into the tern and fry brightly on the dry pan before applying to greasy paper. The pilled slices are cut into thin slices and ripe tender and golden in the melted grease. The p

Mains Puff pastry Pepper Salt ...

Boil the chicken with the onion and parsley. Pile the meat from the legs. Stir one not for the lamb's father of chopped meat, grated onion, egg, ½ sps. Flour and salt and pepper. Divide the dad in the bottom of a greased, refractory dish. Distribute the chick

Mains Onion Shrimp Red chilli ...

Garlic onion chilli and sun dried tomatoes Chopped well and chopped in oil until ready, the tuna came in and mashed it out 1/2 dl. Water with 1/2 dice fish broth the dish should be boiled in 15 menus for low heat. Shrimp are the last 2 menus Taste with salt

Mains EVS Oil for frying Pepper ...

Bring the rice to boil for 10 min. In the meantime cut carrots into the tern, chop in rings and the garlic squeezed. Heat a pan without fat and start sweating the bacon. Then add meat and garlic. When meat is being cooked, vegetables come in, peas, carrots

Mains Dill stems Pepper Juice of lemon 1/2 ...

The potatoes peeled and cooked tender without SALT! Whipped to mush and butter, milk and egg yolks are added and stirred well. Season with salt and pepper. Allow to cool. Accepted in the icing bag and sprayed up by the edge on indfast dish. The residual may be