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Mains recipes

Mains Baking paper Bay leaf Poulard ...

Rub the inside with salt and poularden fill it with garlic, Bay, thyme and peppercorns. Just share each of the onions in the fat, let individual cloves keep shell on and then into the poularden with them. It sounds drastic, but the result will be very delicate

Mains Whipped cream Coarse salt Celeriac ...

Put poularden into a saucepan with cold salted water and boil up the vegetables Do able. Meanwhile, pour them down to poularden when the water is boiling and cook it all in 30 mins. Tag so the whole celery up and let rest 30 minutes to cook. The soup throug

Mains A little lemon juice A little whole black pepper Dried coriander seeds ...

Clean and cut vegetables and put half in a large pot. Poularden rub inside with salt and pepper, lay it over the vegetables, add 1 dl wine and let the fumes gently 50 minutes under the lid, if applicable. in the oven. Remote rygskjoldene on Scampis, but let th

Mains Peas Chicken broth Oil ...

Chicken meat cut raw from the legs into pieces about the size of cocktail sausages and Brown in the oil along with the chopped onion and garlic. Add the rice and sauté with 3 min. Soup that boils at poultry hull, mixed with wetness from the mussels and shrimp

Mains Basil Oil Pepper ...

Rinse and dry poul standards. Came a handful of Basil in each poulard along with 3-4 stalks of parsley and a small knob of butter. Close with the kødnåle or binding with cotton yarn. Season with salt and pepper and butter fat out of breast and thigh. Put the f

Mains White pepper Salt Chicken broth (bouillon cube + water) ...

Poul standards cleaned well. Freed from the skin. The 4 poulard breasts and a bit of lårkødet is cut of, plumped out, placed on a buttered piece of parchment paper. Mushrooms, dill and onion chopped fine, sauté in butter tilsmages with salt and pepper, cool

Mains Amoy sweet chili sauce Peanuts Whipped cream ...

Poul standards boil for approx. 1 hour and the flesh peeled off. Bacon in the Pan and FRY all the ingredients mix well and place in a heat-proof platter. The Court must have approx. 40 minutes at 175 degrees and is then ready for serving. Serve with lots of

Mains Pepper Salt Saffron ...

Allow the oil to be hot and Brown poultry pieces. Got them in a heat-proof platter. Sauté onion and garlic in the oil. Pour the wine, broth, saffron and parsley and season with salt and pepper. Let Cook together and pour it over the meat in the dish. Cover the