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Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Salt Rosemary ...

It is not necessary to bone lamb Club, but it is much easier to cut it at the table, when the legs are: taken out. Put the mallet with fat side down. With a tip of sharp knife cut the upper and lower side free of the collarbone. Then cut in the wrist and co

Mains Eggs Oil Pepper ...

Salt dough rolled thickly off. Each poussin Brown in butter and oil with Rosemary and pepper and put it on the dough and be wrapped. Package can possibly. Garnish with remaining dough. Brushed with egg. Bake in the oven at 225 degrees for approx. 30 min. is ta

Mains Feld salad Christmas salad Lemon ...

Honey marinated cranberries: Akacien warmed in pan in a water bath and cranberry pure added. Given a little rehash. Draws on ice 2 hours at 5 °. Peberrodsalat: Cream whipped lightly and grated horseradish, lemon juice, powdered sugar, invert in. Smoked l

Mains Turmeric Whole cloves Broken kardemommefrø ...

Bring the first 5 ingredients + 1 split cinnamon stick to a boil in a large soup pot; put the lid on and let it all simmer for 1 1/4-1 1/2 hour, the meat is very tender. Take the meat up and cut it into large chunks. Goal 6 dl of Fund. Melt the butter in a

Mains Chili Chili powder Bay leaves ...

Chicken and lamb Sauté in Palm oil along with pieces of onion, peeled, diced tomatoes and chili. Add the tomato puree and let simmer for 1/2 hour. Then add the bouillon cube, masala spice, stockfish and bay leaf, and the Court some gruel is more an hour. Now a

Mains Leg of lamb Bay leaves Pepper ...

Cut the carrots, turnips, parsnips, potatoes with Peel and shallots into equal pieces. Set a roasting pan with 3 tablespoons of oil in the oven at the highest temperature. Came the vegetables down to the hot oil with garlic individual cloves are not peeled and

Mains Carrots Chefs leash Bay leaves ...

Lamb boned and added up the mallet in a large dish with fresh rosemary, lemons sliced, onions in rings (put also løgskallerne down in), 1 bottle of white wine, carrots in large pieces and individual cloves garlic. The dish covered with foil and placed in the r

Mains Cream Pepper Salt ...

Lamb meat is sprinkled lightly with flour, put in a frying pan and Brown on all sides. There are seasoned with salt and pepper and the juice of 1 lemon. 1 1/4 dl broth is poured in. It all fry over a low heat, covered, 30 minutes. 100 g olives udstenes, pepero