Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains A good handful of feta Oil Paprika ...

Cut everything into small cubes. Saute the onions and potatoes in the oil, add the sausage. Turn down the heat and add the rest and let it simmer quietly. Dot in it and turn it gently. When the potatoes are tender, the right finish. Eaten with Turkish bread

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes, canned ...

Set the water to maccaronien up to boil and then a little salt and maccaronien cooked in the time that is specified in the embalagen. Meat sauce: chop the onion and FRY in oil. The meat is then browned in the pan. Oregano will be sprinkled out over. The pee

Mains Melted butter/magerine Salt Cold milk ...

1 set the oven at 200 degrees 2 melt magerinen 3 term, baking soda and flour together 4 stir ingredients together 5 knead the dough until it is a uniform 6 roll it out and put the stuffing on the Tips: make sure you have the margerinen melted before you be

Mains Bouillon cube (chicken) Solve rice Bacon cubes ...

Bacon, and apologise for FRY in a pan. Onions and bell peppers chopped/cut into small pieces and sauté together with bacon. Skinned tomato and water is added. Bouillon cube accepted by and dissolves in the Court. Season to taste. Perhaps there is a lack of sal

Mains Salt Tomato puree Potatoes (URf.eks baking potatoes) ...

Cutting small grooves the potatoes and sprinkled with coarse salt. Form the steaks. Got a little fat on the Pan and let it become Golden. Fry the steaks and spice them with salt and pepper. Garlic sauce: Butter is melted and mixed together. Tips: Easy for

Mains Jævning Pepper Salt ...

Legs Brown in a large pot, some pieces of the hallway so they all will be Brown. The legs are added all back in the Pan and add about 1 ½ l. water or to it almost covers the legs. Add salt, pepper and let the Court Cook slowly for meat is tender approximate

Mains Butter Hams, raw ...

Preheat oven to 200 degrees c alm. oven. Tag hamburger back and a piece of foil, butter butter evenly all over the place on the shiny side of the foil. Roll hamburger back into the foil so that the dull side of the foil is outward. Put hamburger back into a

Mains Turmeric, ground Chilli, crushed Garam masala ...

Part b the cabbage in bouquets. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Heat oil and FRY cumin approximately one minute. Add the garlic and ginger, saute the fintsnittet. Add the potatoes and FRY. Add the turmeric and chilli powder and FRY again. Add the tomatoes