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Mains recipes

Mains Fresh basil Bacon Great pork tenderloin ...

Svinebørbraderne released for tendons and prevent low a cut half way through them and fill the feta and whole leaves of basillikum in scroll bacon slices around so that the fillets must is completely covered. Grill in 20-25 minutes. 2.5 cm. Cut them into

Mains Kamben Curry Brown sugar ...

Cook the legs in plenty of water for about 45 min. Mix the other ingredients together well with an electric beater, if desired. Brush the cooled meat with some of the marinade and let it soak a little before it takes place on an elevated grating. Brush alon

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Brown ham, and apologise for good, the last few minutes with curry. Stir flour with broth and add, stirring together with peeled tomatoes. Set the rice to cook. Boil the meat approximately 25 minutes under the lid. Finally add basic sauce and drained

Mains Curry Oil Salt ...

Karryen Sauté in the oil, add the meat and Brown. The diced onions and sliced mushrooms added with tomato puree. The Court småkoger in 45 minutes. Vegetables and sausages are added, and the right taste with salt and, if desired. more Curry. Serve with ri

Mains Green Salad Pepper Salt ...

A boil pasta according to instructions on package. The pores are cooked in a few minutes. Fromage frais maigre touched with the flour. The grated cheese, leek and ham cubes stir in fraisen with salt and pepper. Then stir the mixture together with the pasta, an

Mains Salt Curry, mild Oil ...

Saute the karryen in oil, Brown meat first, then accepted the chopped onion and Brown with. Add water so that the meat is covered, and salt, came the lid on, and let the Court of småsimre in 1-2 hours. Remove the core and cut the apples into cubes and the H

Mains Pepper Salt Coriander. leaves. fresh ...

Brown meat, finely chopped chili and onions. Add the coconut milk and oystersauce. Cook, covered, for about 25 minutes. Shortly before serving, invert the coriander in and season with salt and pepper. Serve with rice.

Mains Wheat flour Oil for frying Pepper ...

Give, soy sauce, ginger and chili are mixed together and then subtracts approx. 10 minutes. Be over to cook the rice in salted water. Meat sprinkled well with wheat flour and FRY in plenty of oil on the forehead. FRY approximately 15-20 minutes until gol