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Mains recipes

Mains Garlic powder Paprika Pepper ...

slice the sausages and onion out and Brown in a pan, pour the tomatoes in and put krydderiene in it must ha a good taste of garlic. Let it cook a little under easier stirring. Take the nilkerne from when you eat the taste is not good. Cook the rice. Tips:

Mains A few fresh basil leaves Pizzamel on demand Salt ...

Low first pizza dough. Roll the dough out on a piece of wax paper in the appropriate size. The tomato sauce is made: the tomatoes, chili, onion, and basil leaves cut into small pieces and mix in a bowl. Add pressed garlic. Pizza dough lubricated with a

Mains Chopped tomatoes Oregano Parmesan cheese ...

The shared chicken out in heat-proof dish, seasoned with salt and pepper, sprinkled with bread crumbs. Chopped tomatoes are met on the chicken little. White onions are added between the chicken pieces along with potato wedges. Sprinkled with plenty of parmesan

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Stir the meat cool with salt and pepper and stir in the other ingredients. Fry the Meatballs in oil in a hot pan turn down the flared after the chicken meatballs have gotten crust. Tips: Salad and bread are good accessories.

Mains Pepper Salt Raisins ...

Cut the ends of the spring onions. Rinse onions. Cut them into thin rings. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Came to sample in and fry them about 1 min. Add meat and fry it for it has changed color. Add the remaining ingredients. Sausen let simmer without lid app

Mains Butter Tortillas Medium onion ...

A medium-sized onion Sauté in butter together with four chillier. Then add 3 tomatoes which are cooked tender in 10 min. Finaly added 500 gr boiled shrimp as gets 2 min. in chillisausen to the heat. Serve with tortillas. Tips: There is enough for eight peo

Mains Curry powder to taste Rice Minced beef ...

Boil the rice Increased beef in a frying pan and pour the Curry in the aftertaste. When the rice is finished, they met in the pan with cooked beef. Can possibly. suplere with something green ...

Mains Squash in slices Shredded chicken Carrots into strips ...

Fry the chicken vegetables and gravy in the pan. put the lid on and simmer for 10 minutes to the vegetables have been fried. bring the water to boil the noodles boil for noodles in ca. 2-3 min. well they finish mixed in wokgryden and is then ready for serving.