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Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Salt Cute French mustard ...

Fill a roasting pan with the legs. Pour all ingredients into a bowl and stir. Pour over the legs and let it soak for at least 2 hours. Set baking pan in on bottom rib at 180 degrees for 1 1/12 hour. Dip regular legs m. væden.

Mains A heat-proof platter or a roaster or if you have is the best probably an ultra plus from tupperware Pepper Salt ...

Rinse Turkey Breast and remove even tulle tendons. tag so then porrene and clean them and cut into thin slices and put them up in the dish. Peel the carrots and crack them lengthwise and then one more time lengthwise and cut them into small pieces, and put the

Mains Cute French mustard Tomatoes in both Mashed potato powder ...

prepare katoffelmosen as shown on the package, make sure it is not too fast. Butter a baking dish with butter, and favor kartoffelmosen evenly at the bottom. Cut each of the sausages into 3 pieces and puncture them vertically down in kartoffelmosen, so the ver

Mains Fresh chopped cilantro Pepper Salt ...

Lamb meat cut into cubes and added 1-2 hours in a layer of lemon juice, finely grated garlic, coriander, salt and pepper. Who flipped around in the flesh so all pieces stirred by sheeting. The peppers cleaned and cut into cubes, onions peeled and cut in bot

Mains Pepper Salt Mineral water. soda water. Cola ...

The ginger peeled and chopped. You touch the ingredients for marinade together in a bowl and pouring it out over chicken fillets in a baking dish. This puts you in a ca. 200 degrees c. alm. oven, and fry them for about 20 minutes (flip the fillets in the dish

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon, the juice of which ...

Share the fillets into appropriate pieces and brush with olive oil, flavored with salt and pepper, place them in a heat-proof platter. Behind them in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for approximately 10-12 minutes. The cleaned Leek steamed in a saucepa

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh basillikum (can use dried approx. 4 tsp.) ...

Sauté mushrooms and raw brocolli in a large frying pan, add the chicken, bacon, if desired, work, spring onions and garlic. Sauté it all well. Then add the cream, turmeric and Basil-let the cream boil for a short Add finally the quartered tomatoes. Mix the

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Cut the rodskiven of the Rose Bowl and rid them of dead leaves and rinse them well. Boil them 5 min. in salted water and drain. Stir the meat with flour-milk-eggs and salt and pepper to taste. Put stuffing in a buttered ovenproof dish and benefit rose th