Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Whipped cream

Mains Juniper Pepper Red wine ...

Slice the breast meat by fasanerne Fry pheasant breasts in a little oil with thyme and Juniper when the meat has gotten a little color, pour the cream in. Turn down and let simmer for 25 minutes or to the meat is finished. If there is too little moisture in, p

Mains Chopped thyme and parsley Pepper Salt ...

Rinse ducks inside and outside and dry them in paper towel. The ducks are brown in half of the butter and oil. Be taken up and the fat poured from. Clip the parsley coarsely. Chop the garlic and Juniper Berry. Cut bacon slices into coarse cubes. It's all

Cakes in form Whipped cream Cane sugar to sprinkle the dish with Butter for dish ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees c. alm. oven. Got all the ingredients for the dough in the food processor and run them into a crumbly mass. Rinse, dry and halve the yolks. Remove the stones, put the yolks in a bowl and sprinkle them with sugar, turn arou

Desserts (warm) Good venilleis or cold whipped cream Milk Whipped cream ...

Rinse the berries, and nip them. Put them in 4 greased refractory portion bowls ell. a platter. Dripping with Marsala and sprinkle with 1-2 sp sugar. Whip the eggs quite bright and dense with sugar and whisk the flour in. Boil the milk and cream and whip

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Partér ducks in the breast, thigh and hull. Brown thighs and hull in a frying pan together with liver, heart and gizzard. Sprinkle with salt & pepper. Add the whipping cream, Fund or bouillonog sour jelly. Let Cook for about 1 ½ hour, or to tender.

Mains A little thyme, Rosemary and Sage Medium sherry Fresh-clipped mallards ...

Slice the thighs from and prepare for themselves. Roast wild ducks in very hot oven 275 ° c for about 15 min then take the ducks out and let them rest. Brown thighs strongly by in a frying pan. Season with salt and pepper and add 2 dl. water and put it in the

Mains Fresh basil Fresh raspberries Oil for frying ...

Sauce: Breast and thighs from the Gulls are cut from the hull. Breast and thighs are saved for later. Hull Brown well in the preheated oil, add the white wine and boil it down by half. Then add the water, finely chopped shallots, thyme and basil and reduce aga

Mains Bacon, sliced Bacon, diced Butter ...

The redecorated ducks wiped and rubbed the inside with salt and pepper. Baconentern added inside. Bacon slices svøbes about the ducks, in which the ombindes with cotton yarn. The ducks are brown in the butter. The boiling madly broth is poured in. The ducks