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Recipes with Turkey schnitzler

Mains Orange juice Slices crumbled French bread Pineapple rings ...

Mash the pineapple rings and put half aside. Mix the other half into a bowl of the stewed walnuts and crumbled French bread. Distribute the mixture on the calcareous zinc. Roll them together and hold them with a pin or a toothpick. Brown them on all sides.

Mains Vinegar (URf.eks. raspberry/white wine vinegar) Fresh or dried thyme Oil ...

Roast Turkey schnitzlerne 3 min. on each side. In the same pan fried red onion cut into both, apricots in strips plus Apple both. It all added thyme and juice from 2 oranges. Season with 1-2 tbsp. vinegar and salt and pepper as you like. Serve apricot/Apple mi

Mains Wheat flour Olive oil Pepper ...

Bank Turkey schnitzlerne with these events. They must be ca. 1/2 cm thick. Advantage Sage leaves and minced garlic on the four schnitzler. Put a slice of ham on each. Fold schnitzlerne on the Middle, turn them in flour and season with salt and pepper. Fry them

Mains Crushed cardamom Carnation Strip of orange peel ...

All the ingredients to mix gløggen and put in a bag together with the meat. Made cold for approx. 3 hours. The meat is salted and fried.

Mains Capers Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Came some butter on the Pan and then the potatoes. Let the potatoes Cook until they are golden. Turn the Turkey Schnitzlerne in beaten egg and bread crumbs and fry them in butter derefer until nicely Golden on the Mediterranean heat. Garnish with a coupl

Mains Pepper Sour cream 18% Peeled chopped tomatoes ...

Turkey schnitzlerne fried ca. 2-3 min. on each hand in fat. The carrots peeled and cut into slices. The onion peeled and cut into thin both. Mushrooms, cleaned and cut into slices. Carrots and onions Sauté in oil. Mushroom and tomatoes added. Ragouten twirling

Mains Pepper Salt Red bell pepper ...

Mushrooms (Big) is shared in hats and canes. (cancer is used for the filling) + 4 hats For the filling steamed it finely chopped shallots, finely chopped mushrooms and chopped sticks hats, grated ginger and peppers into small cubes about 5 min. in the butte